A new chapter

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Rain tapped gently on the windowpane of small a cottage tucked out into the hills of the countryside. It was morning but one could not tell due to the ominous ocean of dark clouds that could be seen rolling in over the green waving hills. Flashes of lightning threw shadows onto the plaster walls creating a picture show of items neatly placed it the small room. Thunder rumbled loud enough to muffle every sound a creaky old cottage could make from the ceiling down to the floorboards. The old bones of the cottage rocked as the howling wind woke a sleeping young woman, who lay tucked under a heavy quilt at the edge of a wooden framed bed. Batting her eyes open, she sat up drawing her knees to her chest while observing the darkness outside the window beside her. While gazing out of the glass that was covered in raindrops, her long blonde hair fell down her fair skinned back as a masculine hand moved up her spine tenderly.
"Are you alright?" Asked a raspy half woke male voice.
The woman turned her head and rested her chin on her shoulder catching the outline of his slender frame. Her hair followed her face and slid over her shoulder, covering her breasts. "It's so loud out there" she stated while looking down on her companions face with hooded blue eyes.
"There's nothing to worry about little Bird, it's only nasty weather rolling in." He comforted her by extending his arm out for her to climb closer to him. She accepted his invitation and wedged herself between him and the edge of the bed. He held her in his arms and kissed her head reassuring her she was safe in his presence. She sighed and nuzzled her face into his bare chest while drawing tiny circles with her slender fingers.
"You're to good to me Sirius Black." She said stroking his chest while taking in the subtle rise and fall of his chest. She could hear him snicker at her comment as he rolled onto his side to face her. His grey eyes looked her up and down as he bit his lip and gracefully slid his hand down the side of her face.
"No love, you are the one that is too good to me. I wouldn't know how to live if I didn't have you by my side at all times, you made me the man I am, and I'll never be able to repay you for everything you've done for me, and I am eternally grateful." His voice flowed out his mouth smooth and sincerely, romantic as usual. Sirius gave her look that prompted her to smile and lean in toward his lips. He had a twinkle in his eye that spoke much louder then his words. His kiss became more aggressive as he pulled her underneath him. His dark hair dangled down on either side of his face as he trailed a line of passionate kisses down her neck and chest stopping a moment to look towards her as her closed lip smile turned into a hungry grin.
"What are you doing?" She giggled running her fingers through his hair. He smiled with a smoldering grin as he planted a kiss right above her navel.
"I'm attempting to pay my debt!" He exclaimed and waited for her to laugh before pulling the blanket over his head and moved further between her legs. The woman began to wince with pleasure, involuntarily arching her back and gasping. Her eyes closed as thunder began to roar outside the cottage, violently rocking the foundation beneath them. She could see the lightning flashing through her closed eyelids as she squirmed and moaned with delight. She gripped the sheets on either side of her, biting her bottom lip, feeling her release approaching. Waves of mind numbing pleasure flowed over her as Sirius Black used his silken tongue to work his magic on her. When she opened her eyes she was blind sighted by the frightening black cloaked figure floating above her. She attempted to scream but the floating faceless figure that was hovering overhead began to drain the happiest parts of her soul from her body with a screech.
Willa was jolted awake by the whistle of the passenger train she was riding. She slowly came to realize that the cottage, Sirius, and the dementor were all a dream. She was trying to catch her breath as she noticed the weather outside the train mirrored the weather outside the cottage in her dream.
"Well that explains that!" She thought while clearing her throat with a stretch. She could hear other passengers walking past her cabin as the steaming train bustled down the track. Their words were muffled but she could make out two male voices in lite conversation and then laughter before silence filled the walkway once more. Willa looked out the window facing the cliffs and dark trees to see the towers of Hogwarts tucked away in the far distance. The golden glow of the large lanterns that hung on the outside of the sizable castle reflected in the water of the black lake below as the evening quickly approached. She knew this scene all to well. She had traveled this route for seven years as a girl and it seemed as though nothing had changed. Feeling the engine slow, a tell tale sign that they were approaching Hogsmeade, she grabbed her cloak and suitcase, ready for the next step in her journey.

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