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"MIKEY" my mom called from downstairs

"Yea?" I yelled still playing Call of Duty

"Come here for a second" she said

I followed her voice down the stairs. She was folding some towels and stuff for the guest room. I dont know why, its not like we ever use it.

"Why you switching the towels?" I asked

"Michael's daughter is moving in with us for a while, remember?" She asked

Michael is her fiance. They aren't married yet (obviously) but should be really soon. They said they wanted us to meet before we become one big family. Im used to being the only kid, but i dont mind them having someone else to annoy. Plus she's happy.

"Thats today?" I asked completely forgetting

"Yes. Im picking her up from the aiport in a few hrs. Did you finish cleaning like i asked?" She said

Of course not.

"Im working on it" i said

"Mikey." She said giving me a look

"I know i know. It'll be done before you get back. I promise" i said

"Mhmm. And what do you want for dinner tonight. It'll be too late for me to cook anything ?" She asked adding the last of the pillows on the bed

"It don't really matter. I can just pick me up something if i get hungry" i said honestly

"Okay. Make sure to pick up something for your stepsister too, i dont know if she's going to be done ate anything " she said

"Stepsister? Chill ma, yeen married yet" i said laughing

"Shutup" she laughed pushing me playfully

I went back upstairs and got back on my game. A few hrs had passed. The time was now 8:15.  My mom should be leaving for the airport in another 30 mins or so, so i decided to just wait til she got back to grab food. That way we could go together.


I was nervous as hell. Planes just wasnt my thing. Its not the part about being in the air its the object itself that scares me. (Real life) Planes are just big as fuck for no reason. After loading all my stuff on the plane I texted my boyfriend to let him know that i had boarded and wouldnt be able to text him while im in the air.

ME: Just checked on.. im hungry 😖

Baby 💚: want me to send you something to eat when you land?

ME: Yes. Chickfila 😊

Baby 💚: lol baby its sunday..

ME: UGH. I hate them

Baby 💚: 😂😂 popeyes?

ME: thats fine. Plane's about to take off i'ma call you when i land okay?

Baby 💚: aight. I love you.

ME: i love you too. Send me a video

Baby 💚: freak ass. Full body with sound? Orr...

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