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I woke up out of my sleep racing to the bathroom.  My body got weak and i felt everything that i had ate the previous night coming back up.

"I knew i shouldnt have ate all that shit" i thought to myself

"You okay baby?" Mikey asked standing in the doorway

"Y-yea" i started

I clenched the sides of the toilet feeling a second wave of throwup coming.

"You sure? You been throwing up for the past few days" he said holding my hair back

He rubbed my back as i spit up the rest of whatever it was. That was true tho, i have been throwing up.

"Im fine, baby. I promise" i said getting up brushing my teeth

He didnt say anything he just looked at me with a concerned expression.

"If you say so" he said putting his hand up

"But, if you throw up again im taking you to the doctor" he said walking out

I mentally rolled my eyes. I knew he was serious, one thing Mikey didn't play about was our health. After i was done i went in the room getting back in the bed. I didnt feel like myself at all and before yall say it NO IM NOT PREGNANT. Yes Mikey and I are sexually active, but I'm on the pill. Mikey walked in with some soup and crackers. I made a face because he know i dont eat soup.

"Here, eat this it'll settle your stomach" he said placing the little food tray in front of me

"Baby, im fine" i said again

"Eat" He said ignoring me

I rolled my eyes picking up the spoon. I dipped my crackers in the soup and it actually wasnt even that bad. He watched me eat it just to make sure i didnt get up and flush it down the toilet. He know me so well. After eating my soup i started to get a little sleepy. He noticed me trying to fight it.

"Get some rest" he said kissing my forhead

I don't remember much after that. I was out. When i woke up mikey wasn't there. It was about 2pm so i figured he was at practice. My body ached so fucking bad yall like I literally felt like i had been working out all week and my head was killing me.

ME: babyyy. Im in pain, i need you

MIKEY🥵🍆: call me

I facetimed him, he answered on the first ring.

"Whats wrong?" He asked trying to hide the fact that he was on the phone

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"Whats wrong?" He asked trying to hide the fact that he was on the phone

His coach dont't play that shit.

" My body hurt and i feel like shit" i whined

"You need me to come home?" He asked

"I dont want you to get in trouble" i said sadly

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