Chapter Sixteen - Stories

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I yawned in the back seat, as I opened my eyes. The first thing I saw outside was Shasta, following along with the car.

Tae's hand squeezed my thigh, "morning"

I gave him a sleepy smile.

"We are nearly there" Yoongi said from the driver's seat.

I nodded, and JK turned around to look at me, "Yoongi and I will be just walking up and down the street alright? Pausing in a café, to not look to strange"

Tae took my hand as we got out the car first, and began walking down the street. I let him lead me, as I didn't even know where we were going. I could see Shasta high up in the sky, as I checked around my surroundings.

"This ok?" Tae asked me as we got to a clothing store, by the looks of it.

"Sure" I breathed out, and went inside.

Tae followed close behind me, as I grabbed more leggings, and plain t-shirts, and vest tops. I knew I needed to grab more underwear and bras also, and I tried to ignore Tae beside me but it was impossible as I put grabbed about a weeks worth and put them in the basket in his hand.

The cashier was a young woman, and I did notice her eye Tae up and down, but just as the pang in my chest that I didn't know what the emotion was, I felt Tae loosely put his arm around my shoulder.

We walked outside, him holding the bag for me as he looked around the street, I knew where Yoongi and JK were, just from the flecks in my mind telling me to look to my left, and I saw them walking down the street, eyes on us.

"Can we go into that health and pharmacy store?" I asked, seeing it across the street.

I could see Tae thinking that we shouldn't be out here any longer than we needed to be, but I did also need other bits. Woman things that men wouldn't ever have the need for.

Tae glanced beside him, and pulled my hand to cross the road. I saw Yoongi and JK follow us , about twenty feet behind.

Again he followed close behind me with a basket in his hand and I put in the needed items that I knew I had to pick up, I felt a little awkward, but he wasn't paying a lot of attention to me, he was to focused on the front of the store, watching people walk in and out.

I took the bag in my hand as the cashier thanked us, and then we heard the screech of Shasta.

Tae looked very confused, as he pulled me back just as we went to walk outside. I looked across the street as Yoongi and JK, who had stopped walking to look up at the sky.

JK turned to look at us, and I could tell by his expression that he also didn't know why the owl called out.

Yoongi waved at us, and we came outside.

We walked the ten minutes back to the car, until we all got back inside.

"I think he was just telling us to hurry up. I swear that owl has less patience than a human" Yoongi breathed out.

That made me chuckle lightly.

In the car ride back, Tae was driving, as JK was asleep next to me, head leaning against the window with a pillow folded in half.

I looked in the rear view mirror, and looked at Tae's beautiful eyes. His thick lashes, and that little mole on his bottom lashes. His eyes flicked up, and we looked at one another. I smiled before looking away, the heat rising in my chest.

Yoongi cracked a window down, which made me suppress a smile even more, as Tae cleared his throat, smiling at himself, looking at the road ahead.

As soon as we began walking back through the forest, I felt a lot calmer. This was home, the trees, the roots beneath my feet, and the gentle breeze that brushed at our faces.

I could feel Jimin at the lake as we began to pass it, and just for fun, I sent a vine through the grass, to tug at his shoes.

We all greeted one another, as I went down in the bunker and put my stuff away. I decided to re pack my rucksack now, and then kept it under my desk, for easy access.

"Get everything you need?" Joon asked as I settled on the sofa, letting my legs relax from the hours of walking.

"Yeah. Shasta called out though at the end, which freaked us out a little" I muttered.

"Yeah, Yoongi said, that was me sorry. I can always seem to feel and push thoughts into Shasta, just like I suppose Jin can with animals, but I only can with him. I was only trying to hurry you all along, that's all" he breathed out with a apologetic smile.

I shook my head, "it's fine, I think Tae was about ready to hike me over his shoulder and start running"

We both laughed, which caused everyone to glance over at us.

"Trust me, he knows you can handle yourself" he breathed out after we stopped laughing.

I shrugged, "I've never been in the situation to have to defend myself... apart from that night I had to leave, I just climbed up a tree for the whole night when I felt them near me"

Joon nodded, "and I'm very glad you did so, because they are very skilled, this council. You might have stood a chance if you knew how to control yourself, but these hunters have been training themselves for a very long time to get this close to us, this far down in our generations"

"It's a scary thought, how they've managed to get to the last generation" I muttered.

Joon done a large sigh, "I know. But trust yourself, I know you can handle anything"

"I can't bare the thought of loosing any of you, Joonie. This is where I am meant to be, with all seven of you, I can feel that right into my soul" I said quietly

He reached over and patted at my knee, "you won't loose any of us, Erin. We won't let that happen"

"I thought the same about my parents, and my Uncle" I said, my mood was threatening to change until I pulled it back.

He nodded, "you can tell us about them if you think it'll help. We all have stories similar"

Tae came over and sat against the back of the sofa, next to my legs.

"It's not something I try to think about often. It tends to trigger me" I muttered.

Tae turned his head look up at me, "I know what you mean, but you might surprise yourself"

I took a deep breath, "I was twelve when my Dad came back to the cottage. I don't even know why my parents left, but they were gone for a few weeks at this point. I haven't ever thought to ask my Uncle as after it happened, he just shut himself off"

Then something filtered into my head. Was my Uncle always walking around the forest to keep watch?

"He was covered in dried, and matted blood. His blonde hair was almost black at the roots. And right away my Uncle panicked, he went for his shot gun, until my Dad said 'they aren't here'" I said, and I had to control my mood and push away the need to project my feelings to the sky.


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