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I grab the remote and turn the tv on, only to realize that I don't even want it on in the first place. Back off you go.

Am bored. Like really bored.

I shouldn't of yelled at Lizzy like that after all she is a kid. Still I wonder what made her act like that though .

Maybe that's just how kids are now and days. But I still think maybe I was just a little bit rude.

Just a little.


I jump, that one felt like it came right from behind me.

Right. Behind. Me.

I slowly turn my head to behind the couch and ...... there's nothing.


I must be making myself paranoid I guess Lizzy just has me on edge.

I turn my head back to its normal position and let out a breath I didn't know I was even holding.

I guess am gonna be ok.


That was not the pipes.

Not the pipes.

"Uh hello" I call out into the house.


What the fuck. I hear something break in the other room.

And the fridge open.

"Wraaaaaaaaa" I hear more things shader and break.

I turn to the side of me and get up, my knees are shaking beneath me.

I walk towards the noise and into the kitchen I stay on the side of the wall and stare into it.

And I see it.

Standing at about 3ft tall is a Coyote, or a wolf. And if it was just a normal wolf or coyote, I feel like I would be a thousand time calmer right now.

But the fact that it's mother's fuckers face is opened up and he's got about a million little knives for teeth, I am anything but calm.

It finds what is looking for in the fridge and pulls it out, taking a huge bite through the plastic that covers it.


Am meat.

And am pretty sure that thing will have no problem bitting through me.

Holy fuck.

Holy fuck.

Holy fuck.

I got to get out of here.

I  start heading slowly to the front door.


My slow waking becomes speedy Gonzales fast, as I grab my keys off the stand and dash out the fucking door.

I swing my car door open, and hop in, keys in, I back out of the driveway and onto the snowy road. Getting further away from the horrible house.

I let out a long needed breath and relax myself.

"Hue" I wipe some of the sweat from my forehead, and sink into my seat.

Am Safe.

I hope y'all enjoy please vote and comment bye.

~lana 🔹🔸

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