Part 13

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I suggest you listen to this song and read this chapter because it kind of fits and it's how Nat is always feeling neglected and never felt love b4 till she met Clint.

Clint pov

" Agent Barton the Director wants to meet you in his office now" Agent Coulsdon told me while I was shooting targets in the training room. On my way there I was curious and surprised at the same time as I have never been called alone to Furys office b4... But when I entered I found that I wasn't alone and saw Natasha inside too... I gave her a small smile which she did not return... Not that I expected her to but I stood beside her while asking Fury " Director what have you called both of us here for?"

" Rmbr when I first accepted Agent Romanoff into SHEILD she said she had a request to tear down the red room on behalf of shield.... Thats wat I'm allowing you to do now... Agent Romanoff and Agent Barton pls suit up and head to helicarrier by 2... Now is 12 so you have 2 hrs to prepare. You may be excused " Director Fury said while keeping his usual poker face on.

As I left the room I took a glance at Tasha and looked in her eyes.. And I saw something I never expect to see in her eyes... Fear.. Thats when I knew that this red room thing was a big deal for her. I quickly packed at my stuff and headed to the helicarrier to meet her where I found her standing there waiting for me. Somehow by the look of her face I could tell this mission wasn't going to be an easy one.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2020 ⏰

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