CHAPTER 32: Volleyball

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Y/N's Point of View:

Yow girls!! Everythi--

What the fuck are y'all wearing?!!Katsuki shouted that cut out Denki..

Swimsuit..We are planning to have a swim after the match.. Hedgehog..You answered..

I know idiot..Can you take it off??He said and you laugh..

Katsuki that's bold of you.. Kirishima protest..

What??That not what I meant..Damn it!!He said and look away..

Well let's better start before this Hedgehog blow up..You chuckled and walk pass him..

Well the rules are simple..No quirks allowed due to advantages..Some of us can't use quirks a night..No cheating..Play nice..Lida said and y'all went to each respective positions..One more thing who will lose in this match will do what the winners will tell..He added..

Wait what??But it's girls vs.--

Start..Lida said cutting you out and Denki serve the ball and you hit it back..

Prepare to lose..Katsuki said hitting it back and it drop in the sand..

One point to the boys team!!Lida said..

Minutes pass and the boys won the first round but y'all manage to won the second.. The scores are tie in the last round.. Leaving one point from victory..

Y/N focus..You can't lose..Focus..

Are you going to serve it or what??Katsuki growled..You serve the ball and Izuku hit it back..

I got it..Uraraka said and hit it back..

Mine..Shoto said and hit it back..

Got it..Momo said and hit it back..

Nice..Denki said hitting towards Jiro..

Watch out!! You said blocking the ball and hit it back..

Kirishima do it..Katsuki commanded..

Yeah..He responded and toss the ball high and Katsuki spike it hitting the ground...

Boys win!!Lida said they chears..

No way!!Mina said..This can't be..

Well face it we won..Katsuki said and smiled..

To much for expecting to win..Jiro said..

Yeah.. Let's go??Momo said and y'all nods..

Race y'all..You said and run towards the water and they follow..

Hey wait for us!! Denki said and followed..

You are about to jump in the water but someone grab your hand and you fell on top of him..

Hey.. What's that for Hedgehog??You said and he chuckled..

Nothing..You look great..He said and you look away..

Th-Thanks..You said standing up..

Are you two going to jump in or not??Denki said and you nods walking towards the water..

That's the spirit..Mina said slashing water towards you..

Ohh yeah..You said splashing water back..

Hey guys can you swim??Jiro ask...

Yeah..Why??You replied..

Let's go to the deep part..Momo said and swim..

If you said so..Mina said and y'all follow her..

It's so deep here..Uraraka said looking down at the water..

Hey where's Y/N??Denki ask..

She's just here a minute ago..Mina said..

Guys there's a blue light bellow us..Jiro said and panick..

Ahh help!!Kirishima said and they all sank at the water..

Boo.. I'm the mythical creature of the water..You joked and put them in the air bubble..

Not funny Y/N..Momo said and you laugh..

I thought your quirk don't work at night..Denki protest..

Well it kinda works when I want too.. You said and scratch the back of your head..

So..What are we going to do here??Shoto ask you swim further with them behind you..

This..You said and show them a bunch of pearls and gems that shines at the reaf..

Wooahh.. It's beautiful..Kirishima said..

I know..But I'm much beautiful than it.. You said and laugh..

Not really..Katsuki protest and you pout..
Just kidding..Your the most beautiful fish I've seen..He added and laugh again..

===========END OF CHAPTER===========

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