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valenciaaa "im a trophy 🏆"
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champagnepapi Yes u are😍
kehlani 🥵🥵🥵
millicarter Imuuuu😭
ofc.sade Perfection 🤩
"I missed you.." Itali said across my kitchen island. "How come we don't talk anymore." She asked.
I shrug my shoulders. "Because we broke up." I say blankly.
Drake is in Canada for a little bit and so I decided to meet up with Itali because she's been texting me like crazy. After our breakup it never crossed my mind to talk to her because it was pointless to me. We both started dating other people and I didn't want any awkward or negative energy in the air. I don't like conflict and so hopefully this conversation can dead any feelings that don't need to be there.
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"You took away the one thing you knew I couldn't handle." Itali said softly.
I raise my eyebrows, "what's that?" I ask.
"Not seeing you.." she said grabbing my hand. "I was mad at you.."
"Why didn't you ever tell me?" I ask curiously.
"Because you were.. occupied. Plus you were sick and I didn't want to stress you out." She explained.
"I can be mad at you for not being there for me when I was sick," I say slyly. "But I'm not."
"You didn't want me to be there.. you wanted boundaries." Itali said.
I shake my head, "how do you know what I wanted?" I ask.
"Because I know you and you like your space." She said. "I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you more, I was just in my little bubble. I was still dealing with my mom." She said sighing.
"Kris is probably happy you're not with me anymore." I say rolling my eyes. "Is she?" I ask.
"Mmm, I wouldn't know. I don't talk to her much these days." Itali says shocking me. "I think we're better off far away from each other."
Hearing Itali say that is very shocking to me because her and her mom have always been super close. Out of everyone in her family that's who she's with the most, her mom and her dad. Unfortunately, I know their relationship changed when Itali and I started dating and making our relationship public. I don't known if Kris didn't like that her youngest daughter was with a girl or if she just didn't like me. But during our relationship none of that mattered to me because Itali was all that I cared about and to this day, I don't regret being with her because we had a lot of fun together.
"Well I guess we broke up because of me." Itali said softly.
I shake my head. "No, it wasn't all you." I say interlocking our fingers.
"So 50/50?" Itali asked?
I sigh, "mm what about 60/40?" I joke.
"I'll take it." Itali giggled. "I'm sorry." She apologized.
"I'm sorry too.." I say smiling as we did our secret handshake. I'm shocked that we both still remember it.
Itali looked at me and smiled showing her dimple. "V, I really do like you and I like being around you, you make me happy. None of my relationships have made me as happy as the one I had with you." She admitted.
"Well you know my situation... I do have love for you and I don't think it'll ever leave but I can't just stop what I have going on right now because you're showing me affection today, but what about two months from now? Will you still feel the same?"
I want Itali to be happy but I'm not stopping what drake and I have going on. I'm madly In love with that man. It would be different if Itali and I had just left each other and went on with our lives but the love never left so it's difficult. I could see myself getting back with her but not right now.
"Well I care about you and I want you to be happy." I tell Itali. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel some type of way about you." I admit.
"Oh yeah? I feel some type of way too.." she said smirking. "Can I have a kiss?" She asked making me roll my eyes.
"What? Just one little peck." She said poking her lips out.
I shake my head and peck her lips softly. I couldn't help but to back in for another one. It's been awhile since I kissed a girl and once I started I just couldn't stop. The ladies have a hold on me.