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DOUBLE UPDATE CHECKKKK (shorter chapter)

With that, I nearly choked on the second coffee I'd had that day. Immense anxiety rushed through me, immediately thinking he'd hate me if I told him.

Cause that's what I had engrained in my brain up until that point.

Yes, I'm gay. Did I mention I'm falling head over heels for you?

My heart wanted to tell him, tell him and get it over with. Accept that he wasn't into guys, or celebrate silently that he was. Instead, I did what any closeted guy that was just asked that question would do... or wouldn't do. I suppose a straight guy would just shoot it down quickly.

I grabbed my coffee and rushed out to get some fresh air.

I clasped my hands to the back of my head and stretched out my back. He's gonna hate me. Why were you so damn obvious.

Why can't you just like girls? It would be so much easier that way. I hated the way

I felt as my mind fed me these crude thoughts, but I couldn't help but believe them.

He's gonna hate me.

I let my eyes glance up to the sky, it was already getting dark, as it was nearly the end of November.

I watched the clouds move so swiftly across the dark blue sky. I wondered what it would be like to be weightless, like a cloud. To never have a million pounds of pressure weighing you down with every step.

One person, if I just tell one person, a lot would be lifted. I shook my head, still feeling the pressure, that I'd accustomed to as just apart of me.

Once again, I began to bite the inside of my cheek. I backed up to sit in the grass as keep my head towards the sky. I decided if it was to be anything, might as well be the eternal.

I chewed my cheek until it bled a little, I saw the moon shine out behind the clouds. It was just me and the moon, outside of a Debbie's diner, one of the two facing what he feared the most.

I look up at the moon and look at the little dots upon it, they looked so little from down here. Though a person could walk on it.

Maybe that is my situation.

From a far, it looks nothing like something that could eat you alive, taking everything with it in its path.

Relationships, confidence, the picture I painted of the person everyone around me wanted me to be. I didn't realize it until now, I'd been playing a character.

Living up to everyone's expectations and tearing myself apart to please. I swallowed dryly and focused my eyes on the dots again.

They were similar to the tiny freckles on Kio's cheekbones.

What I would do to kiss them, every single one.

I close my eyes for a second, inhaling the cold crisp air. It's nipping at my face, but this situation had been nipping at me for five years.

When I open my eyes again, I look at the bright moon and open my mouth shakily, I'm trembling.

"I'm gay." I whisper to the sky. My heart fills, as it's the first time I'd ever said my truth.

Even if it was with a floating ball of rock hundreds of thousands of miles away, only the moon and I knew. It was our secret. My secret that was now shared with a never ending sky.

I feel a warm hand upon my shoulder, now I'm not scared. Perhaps with telling everyone else, but not with him. I blink a few times and put my hand on the hand on my shoulder.

I hear Kio's breathy laugh and he rests his chin on my shoulder. I feel his dark hair on my cheek, leaning into it and smiling.


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