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School passed as slowly as it could. The bell rang to go home and I immediately met up with Hanna. Of course, she was with Kio. I got that same equally diverse feeling of dread and excitement when I saw him.

 That feeling you get when you're about to go on a rollercoaster.

 I hit the drop when he smiled at me, with his stupidly perfect teeth. 

 It wasn't like I had a crush on him, I just met him today, but what I would do to get to know him better. It's just his green eyes, his smile, his laugh, the way he looks down at the ground. It's starting to sound like I'm hopelessly in love, I could never. 

 Please note the sarcasm. 

I make it to them and say a quick, "Hey!" 

Hanna gives me a wide smile and laughs saying, "What's up, Vin! Ready to go?"  Fridays were always the days we hang out at Mae's house.  I slightly dreaded these days as her parents were extremely conservative, but they gave out damn good snacks.  I just keep my mouth full and I was fine.  

"We've got to wait f-"

"I'm here!"  Maeve elongates the 'ere' for a while, before Hanna nudges her shoulder for her to stop.  As a result, we all burst into laughter.

"Shut up," I joke, as she tries to continue, to which she just laughs.  She then giggles and loops my arm around hers, like a hook of some sort.  I am utterly confused, as she's never done this before, only the occasional "bump into" or hug.  I decide not to really mind it though, since we've been friends for so long.  

Being me, I turn back to Kio, just to get another glance.  It surprised me to see that he wasn't the smiley Kio I saw earlier.  Instead he looked a bit upset and was looking down.  I break away from Mae as she whines and I nudge Kio's shoulder.

"You okay?"  He is startled by my voice, but his face lights up like Kio's does and he replies, 

"Y-yeah, I'm alright."  He clears his throat smiling, still not fully convincing me that he's perfectly fine.  I look between Mae and Hanna, and then look back at him, and I mouth, 

"Shotgun."  It's then that his face fully regained life and his perfect teeth showed again, letting out a little giggle that made my heart stop for a second, 

"Shotgun!"  Kio laughs harder than I've ever heard him as he heard the girls spew out frustration of not getting front seat.  

"Are you really just gonna let him do that?!" Mae asked annoyed.  I simply laugh and respond, 

"He called it first."  So then, we were on our way.   


I don't think I'll ever look at apples the same for a while.  I'd see that colored fruit and think of his smile and his laugh.  Lovesick sounds like an understatement at this point. 

 It was rather embarrassing, seeing as I literally met him today and I've halfway fallen for him.  Who wouldn't though.  Everything about him was nothing short of beautiful.  

To keep from turning to him again, I bite the inside of my cheek.

We pull up to Mae's house and I'm already feeling the dread of walking in there and listen to her parents babble about how they think gay marriage should be illegal. 

 It's like watching them want to tear my future up in little pieces.  It's old at this point, I'm kind of numb to it. 

Immediately when we enter, they're already in the living room with one of their colleagues named Daryl.  One of the most homophobic people I've ever heard.  

In my mind, I'd already named him, a good old fashioned "dickhead."  We decided to sit in the kitchen to eat, mind you, the kitchen is right next to the living room, so we'd still hear the blabbering in the other room.  I was in the middle of Hanna and Kio, as Mae got some pizza rolls out of the freezer.  

You could cut the tension in the room with a knife as we heard the f slur being thrown everywhere without any thought.  It felt like torture to just sit here and take it all in, trying to act like it didn't bother me.  

When in reality I wanted to burst out sobbing and just go home. 

 I tried to distract myself by listening to Mae and Hanna's conversation, but I just could not focus.  

So instead I rested my head in my arms, trying to block it out.  This was the routine, we came home I got unintentionally chewed out for knowing who I was while trying to block it out with some equivalent to white noise.  

"Hey Vinnie, um- my mom just texted, she says she wants me home," I felt Kio tap on my shoulder, hearing him say my name was very pretty.  I smiled before coming up to face him, in a way, I was so relieved that I could get away from Mae's house.

"Alright.  Mae I'm gonna take Kio home, and then get some sleep." I waved at Mae and Hanna.  Without warning Mae ran up and hugged me.  I laugh a little and head out with Kio.  

When we finally get in the car, he turns to me after a moment.  

"My mom didn't text me," He had a guilty look on his face.

"Well why did y-"

"I couldn't stand her parents in the other room.  I-I'm sorry we can go back in, if you want.  I ju-"

"Kio, it's totally fine.  I was tired of it too."  I laugh empathetically.  So, I start the car and just start driving as my mind is running marathons. I wasn't sure what conclusion to latch onto.  Was he like me, or is he just a straight ally.  

I didn't know, but nonetheless, my heart was beating out of my chest at the slight possibility of him liking guys.  My fingers unknowingly tapped multiple times on the steering wheel.  Seeing as there was no radio playing, I was nervous as hell.

"S-so uh," I clear my throat, "Where do you want to go?"  I ask.  He looks at me all smiley and shrugs.  Seeing as he was silent, I begin to ramble nonsense in my anxious state, 

"We-well I just thought, you know, since we aren't going anywhere.  I thought we could do something."  I stutter out, cringing when I choked that one out.  

"We should go to Debbie's."  He laughed, patting my tapping hand on the steering wheel.  I let out a breathy laugh and nod. 

"Debbie's it is."

Is this a date?  No, no it can't be I met him today.  But technically it kind of is, we met today but it's just the two of us and if he doesn't pay, then I'd pay, and it would technically by definition, be a date.  

Before I knew it, we'd arrived.

We went inside and sat at a windowed table in the corner, looking around the restaurant a pang in my chest rang up as I saw a gay couple at the other far corner table.  I smiled at their happy appearance, they looked so happy and carefree. 

 It was two men holding hands and laughing at each others touchy flirtiness.  One day maybe, I could be that carefree, and laugh with whoever I love.  

For now, I'm stuck in a locked closet, where I've been for years.  

It's getting lonely in here.

"Vinnie?" Kio snapped his fingers in front of me, smiling and looking at me confused.

I jump slightly and laugh saying a quick, "Sorry, I spaced out,"

We ordered some food and Kio decided to break the awkward tension by a not so helpful question.

"So Hacker, are you gay?"

IN TIME~Vinnie x KioWhere stories live. Discover now