Chapter 5. 🤰🏻👶🤾

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Hey guys i just wanted to say that I decided to not let skip be a part of the whole beating up and stuff because I didn't want to kill him but i also didn't know what to do with him if he was still alive, so i just decided to let him basically not be taken to the warehouse in the first place. (Sorry for the late update).

You guys arrived at your apartment and you welcomed everyone in. Your apartment was a 2 bedroom apartment so you had to figure out a way to split everyone. "Hey guys, i can sleep on the couch, Ash can sleep in one of the bedrooms and Shorter and Eiji in the other."

"No." Ash replied. "What why?" You frowned. "No ones sleeping on the couch, or alone. it's dangerous, let's say Dino's men find us. We need to be in pairs. You and Eiji can't protect yourselves."

"I'm offended." You said jokingly. Ash just rolled his eyes and said "y/n, you and shorter can share a room and i'll be with Eiji." Shorter looked over at you and smirked "you hear that babe" you turned to Ash  with a disgusted look. "Yeah, Ash I don't think this is gonna work....." you said slowly. Ash sighed. "Fine, shorter go with Eiji ." Shorter looked disappointed "awh man!" He said. You smirked while looking at Shorter.

I'm so hungry. "Hey guys is anyone else starving cause I know damn well I am." You said, flopping on the couch. "Yeah I'm hungry too, I can cook something for us Y/N" Eiji said happily. "Eh, I know you wanna show off your cooking skills and all but like I said, I'm STARVING, you're gonna take a long time, I'm gonna order something. what do you guys want?" You said. "I don't really care I can eat anything as long as it's food." Shorter replied. "Same" Ash said sitting down. "K sushi it is I guess."

You ordered the food and waited impatiently for it to arrive. You would've went and picked it up from the actual place but Ash wouldn't let you leave the apartment because of aurther and Dino's men. "UGHH IT SAID IT WOULD BE HERE 10 MINUTES AGO." You hissed.
"If you just let me make something I would've been done already." Eiji replied. "Ya ya whatever, all I know is that I'm hungeryyyyy." The doorbell rung right when you spoke. "ITS HERE BITCHESSS" you barked.

"Wait." Ash stopped you before you opened the door. "Dude seriously, I'm hungry.." you sniffled. "You don't just relentlessly go and open the door like that without checking who it is first, could be Dino's men, you never know." Ash demanded. "Well I know it's the food Ash, Me being hungry gave me a sixth sense, I can sense ittt." You assured. "That's called smelling y/n." Eiji and shorter both muttered. "yeah whatever, now let me open the door, the poor guy has been standing there for 5 minutes." You said

You grabbed the food and started setting it at the table. Your apartment wasn't the biggest since you normally lived alone, but it was a decent size. It has 1 and a half bathrooms, 2 bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and a dining room. That's where you guys were sitting. You all sat awkwardly eating in silence. "So what are you guys gonna do after you're done hiding here." You spoke just to break the silence. "None of your business." Ash replied. "Excuse me?" You snapped. "Your job is done here after this, I get that you're giving us a hide out and all but you and Eiji can't get involved in this, you don't know how dangerous it is, Ibe is already done with the pictures, so Eiji should go back to japan before they start coming for him after. And you should stay home for at least a month, you don't wanna be seen by them." Ash argued.

You were mad. "Who the hell are you to tell me what to do, I haven't even known you for a full day and you're already telling me what to do and what not to do." You yelled back at him. "What part do you not understand about this. I said it's dangerous. The mafia is involved in this. It's not that I want to tell you what to do, but knowing you for one day I can tell that your dumb self doesn't think before doing shit." Ash snapped at you. "FUCK OFF DUDE." You stormed and left to go to your room. Great, I have a random ass gang leader sleeping in my apartment. That bitch thinks he could just boss me around. He should at least be thankful I'm giving him a Hideout You sat under your blankets and started reading a book to calm you down. You were still hungry. But you didn't feel like seeing Ash's face right now.

Sup😧 I AM SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR THE VERY LATE UPDATE. I am just so busy with school and didn't know what to write about! I'll start updating regularly!

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