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"So Darius wants to have a threesome " Kelly said out of nowhere damn near making Bey choke on her chipotle .

She almost asked "What happened to Brandon " but she too far into minding her business to brew over her friends ex

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She almost asked "What happened to Brandon " but she too far into minding her business to brew over her friends ex.

Bey could only shake her head as she closed her plate and pushed it away no longer in the mood to eat her burrito bowl . Now she needed something sweet so she couldn't stop the little happy dance she did when she reached into the black bag from the corner store they hit up on the way home from school and pulled out a honey bun .

Kelly's hyper sexuality was nothing new to her or their families so no one really blinked twice when she had a new boy "friend " or when she asked to go the doctor for a checkup when she felt something wasn't right .

The only thing they were holding their breath on was the day Kelly would come pregnant but little did their family know she had already had an abortion their freshman year .

Of course Bey was a little sad when she thought about her little niece or nephew that would've been but a baby at 15 would've definitely changed both of their lives for the worst so she just chose to smile at the thought of her friend being swollen with that pregnancy glow when she was actually stable enough for kids .

Silence fell over the room as Bey quietly enjoyed her desert unaware that Kelly had come to a stand still waiting for her to respond

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Silence fell over the room as Bey quietly enjoyed her desert unaware that Kelly had come to a stand still waiting for her to respond .

You know that annoying feeling when someone sees you have headphones in but they continue to stare at you to get your attention ? Like what part of I don't want to bothered was hard to digest ? The only thing worse than that was when your mom called your name and sat silent as hell until you got the memo that she wanted you to come here to pass her the remote or some simple shit she could've gotten off her lazy ass and done herself if she didn't think having kids meant a free slave .

Just when Bey thought that nothing could top that she peeked over her shoulder to see that Kelly was staring at her with a solemn look on her face .


Now she had to stop what she was doing to be the supportive friend and listen to her sisters sex problems .

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