We Hate Neil

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"Maxine! Where are you?" slurs Neil as he slams the front door shut, throwing an empty beer bottle at the wall. 

My heart begins to pound. I can't deal with this again. My bruises from last night still hurt. I frantically grab my backpack, chucking in my walkie and skateboard I race to open my window. My bedroom door blasts open just as my feet hit the ground. I run, not looking back, just trying to get as much distance between me and Neil's fists as possible. I cringe thinking about what he's going to do to my mother after the shit I just pulled. But I have other priorities right now, like where I'm going to sleep tonight. Once I'm sure I'm safe I sit on the ground and open my backpack, taking out my walkie and turning it on. "Is anyone here? it's Max, I um...I need some help." 

After a few seconds I hear El's voice, "Max? What is wrong?" she says with concern. 

"It's not a big deal...I just um..." I took a deep breath, forcing myself to tell her. "Neil was mad so I left, and I can't go back tonight, but I don't have anywhere to go..." I cringe, instantly regretting what I had just said. "You know what, never mind, I can go back. I'll just be quiet...sorry for bothering you," I say, hoping she'll let me off. 

But El cuts in, "Don't say you'll be fine. I know you lie. Come to my house." 

"El, really, I'll be..." 

"Max," El said sternly, "Come. To. My. House." 

I smile, admiring her persistence, "Ok, I'll be there soon. Bye El." I shut off my walkie and put it back in my backpack, trading it for my skateboard. When I get to El's cabin I get off my board and tuck it under my arm before walking to the front door. I knock and the door swings open the second after my knuckles make contact. 

"Hi Max," El says as she motions me towards her bedroom. She shuts the door and sits down on her bed, patting the spot next to her, I take a seat. I haven't even said hi, but when I open my mouth nothing comes out. El takes one good look at my expression and pulls me into a hug. I don't like when people touch me, but El's touch is delicate, careful, and comforting. I feel like I can finally let my guard down, I sink into her shoulder. She just holds me, and as we sit there in silence I begin to cry. I let out all the tears that I've bottled up for who knows how long. I never let anyone see me weak. I just hide behind the my tough exterior. Once I've drained all the tears my body can possibly make I wipe my eyes on the back of my hand and sit up straight, making eye contact with El. 

In a shaky voice I speak, "I'm sorry, I didn't even say hi when I..."

 "Max. It's OK," El interrupts, reassurance in her voice. 

I pull El into a long hug, holding her tightly. "Love you," I say, surprising myself. I blush a little, making me glad she can't see my face. 

El snuggles in closer, "Yeah, love you." 

This makes me even more flustered. After we hold each other a while El pulls away and rolls over so that her head rests on her pillow, I think she's blushing too. "I'm sleepy. We should, let's...go to bed," El says. I can see that her face is red now. I can't help but smile at how adorable she is. 

To ease the awkwardness I change the focus, "I don't have any pajamas, do you have any I can borrow?" I ask her. 

"You can take some from my closet," she tells me. I stand up and walk over to El's closet, grabbing a worn looking t-shirt and a soft pair of shorts. I try to change as quickly as possible so El doesn't see the extent of the damage Neil has done. But when I turn around she's sitting upright, anger visible on her face, "Who...did this to you?" she questions. A minute goes by and I don't say anything, "Was it Neil? Did he do this to you?" 

I look at her, reluctant to tell the truth. But it's not worth lying, she already has it figured out. I sigh, "El it's not a big deal, just...don't tell anyone, please." 

El remains quiet as she examines the bruises on my arms and legs, softly tracing the marks with her fingers. Her jaw is clenched and her face is a different kind of red, angry red. 

"El, I swear to god if you're plotting his death right now or something..." 

She cuts in, "I'm not going to kill him...just, almost." I raise my eyebrow at her, looking to see if she's serious or not. "But if he does it again, yes, I will kill him," she follows.

 "EL!" I playfully push her over, she pops back up and pulls me down with her so that we're both lying on her pillow. 

El fits her body into mine so that we're spooning. I put my left arm over her and take her hand, caressing it with my thumb. I use my free hand to pull up her blanket so that it covers us both. El jerks her head upwards and the lights shut off with a click. I smile and close my eyes. As I'm drifting off to sleep I feel El turn towards me. Then her finger grazing over my bottom lip, a moment passes and she lightly kisses on my cheek before turning back around.

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