Chapter 10: D-Date?

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(Nina's Pov)

I fluttered my eyes open to the brightness shining through the bedroom window. I sighed and groaned as I snuggled against the comfy pillows and soft blanket just wanting to go back to sleep. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and opened my eyes and looked around seeing I wasn't in my my house.

My eyes widen as I began to panic a bit. I sat up and looked around trying to get used to my surroundings. My heart raced and hands trembled as I remembered what happened last night. I thought for a moment and remembered I was at Kevin's place last night and I must've fallen asleep.

My mind couldn't stop racing however and I didn't want to be alone "K-KEVIN!" I shouted nervously, I heard footsteps as the door swung open and light got turned on. I looked seeing Kevin standing there with a worried and concerned look on his face.

He slowly walked over to me and sat at the edge of the bed "hey, hey, hey it's okay, you're okay, you slept over last night and I didn't want to wake you so I let you stay in my bed while I slept in the guest room. It's okay" He reassured, I just nodded as I gently grabbed onto his shirt for comfort.

Kevin didn't move his hands; he didn't do anything but just stay there until I calmed down. He would hum a bit which made me close my eyes and take a few deep breaths "S-sorry I-I didn't mean to panic, I-I just woke up and didn't know where I was s-so my mind panicked" I said,

Kevin smiled softly "It's okay, you're okay" he said, I just nodded and wiped my face a bit "W-what time is it?" I asked, he looked at his phone "9am" he said, I just nodded "did you sleep okay?" he asked, I smiled and nodded "t-thanks for letting me stay over. Your bed is super soft" I said, Kevin chuckled "Of course and it really is huh?" He asked,

I giggled and nodded as we stared at each other for a few moments and I swear I felt my body tingle and heat up. My heart and stomach fluttered and I felt my face flush...why do I feel like this? And why now? I don't know why I feel this way when looking at Kevin but all I know is he made me feel better...

He's been trying to hard to make me happy and make me trust him and I never met anyone like him before...but I am so terrified to like him, I am so terrified to fall in love with him...but I feel like no matter how hard I try...I can't deny that I like him...

Kevin chuckled which snapped me from my thoughts. I let out a shaky sigh and shook my head a bit "you okay?" Kevin asked, I smiled softly and nodded "I made coffee. Would you like me to get you a cup?" he asked, I smiled and nodded which made him smile and nod as he got up from the bed and headed out his room to get me a cup of coffee.

I swear he's got me feeling some kind of way and I don't know what I'm supposed to do about it because as much as I like him and wanna try to work things out...I just can't...he doesn't know my life, he doesn't know what I do to myself...If I told him what happened, he would never look at me ever again...I can't...I just can't.

I sighed as Kevin came back in the room with a mug of coffee which made me smile as he handed it to me. I felt our fingers touch and I swear I felt that same spark but I must ignore...I must. Kevin sat back down on the bed next to me which made me smile softly and sip my coffee "do you wanna go out and have breakfast?" He asked, I thought for a moment and nodded which made him smile "Cool. I know this great restaurant downtown. You'll love it" He said,

I giggled and nodded as we got up and got ready to go get something to eat. I finished up my coffee and slid on my shoes as we headed out of his house greeted by the bright light and cool air. I took a deep breath and sighed which made Kevin look at me and smile as we started to walk to this restaurant.

The silence between us was peaceful surprisingly it wasn't awkward and that felt...sweet and when I'm with's like everything went away, all the bad thoughts, all the fear, sadness and insecurities...It all went away when I was with Kevin...

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