Chapter 15: The Truth?

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(Nina's Pov)

I fluttered my eyes open to the gloominess that is of Ireland. I sighed and groaned as I turned the other way just wanting to go back to sleep but I was now face to face with a whining dog. I fluttered my eyes open to see Fia lying by me and Kevin which made me giggle softly.

I sighed and yawned as I pet her head which made her bark a bit and lick my face. I giggled and smiled "you gotta go outside?" I asked softly, she barked which made me shush her. I looked back at Kevin who was still sleeping surprisingly.

I carefully and quietly hopped out of bed stretching and yawning. I slid on my shoes, grabbed Fia's leash and the dog bags and headed out of the bedroom with Fia following. I attached her leash to her collar and slid on Kevin's jacket and headed outside greeted by the dark grey clouds and cold breeze which made me shiver a little.

I walked Fia down the stairs and to a little grassy area to go to the bathroom. When she finished, I cleaned up her mess and headed back inside which was good thing because it just started to rain as well. I sighed as I made sure Fia had food and water and started to brew some coffee.

While coffee was brewing, I felt arms around my waist which made me tense up a bit but soon relax knowing it was just Kevin. I giggled a little and looked back to see Kevin looking sleepy. I smiled as he lied his head on my shoulder and sighed which made me giggle "Morning sleepyhead" I whispered,

He groaned "mornin" he said groggily which made me smile "I made us coffee" I said as I grabbed 2 mugs and poured us a cup. He smiled softly and kissed my shoulder and cheek. I blushed and smiled as I handed him a mug which made him kiss my forehead "thanks love" he whispered, I just nodded and sipped my coffee "What are the plans for today?" I asked,

Kevin shrugged "It's too early to even try and use my brain" He said, I giggled and smiled "no one said you had to wake up Kev" I said, he smiled "but you weren't in bed and I got cold" he pouted, I giggled and smiled "I had to take Fia out. Just in time too before it started to pour" I said,

Kevin looked out his widow and nodded "well I have some videos to edit but after that we can do whatever you want" He said, I smiled and nodded as he kissed my head and headed to his office to work. Fia finished eating and went to go lie back down in the bedroom.

I stayed in the kitchen debating on what to eat. I couldn't help but think of myself a couple of weeks ago...Just sick, I couldn't eat, I had no energy, I looked ill, I could hardly move or get out of bed and I could never look at me...I have Kevin and Fia and they made me so happy...But I still can't look at myself in the mirror without thinking back to what my foster brother did to me...

I sighed and still thought about telling Kevin the truth on my past...just getting it all out...I know I can trust Kevin...I mean we're dating and he's been oh so very patient to let me get used and warmed up to him with affection and never once did step out of line or do anything without asking me and he's been super sweet, so kind, caring and loving and he's like the best and first real boyfriend ever.

I know I can trust him with my past but I'm just scared...I'm scared to tell him...I haven't told anyone since Beth and I know I don't have to tell him if I'm not comfortable but I have to...I can't hold it in any longer...

I'm so indecisive because I want to tell him, but I don't because I don't know how he'll react, but he's my boyfriend and deserves to know what happened to me and I know he's curious about why I'm so hesitant to human touch and affection and all of it is making me stressed and driving me insane that I'm about to explode...

I sighed as I headed to Kevin's room and just started to pace around while he was in his office recording or editing. I didn't even realize I started to breathe heavily and until I panted and choked on sobs. I shook my hands trying to get the feelings back in them. I sat on Kevin's bed and sobbed which made Fia bark and whine and that's when I heard footsteps approaching.

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