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A/N: I realize I have unpublished and published 4 times, but I keep messing up :D Constructive criticism, I just completely altered the way I write

Y/L/H, Y/C/H hair curtained my face as I walked down the train corridor. I glanced in each compartment looking for an empty one and found a back one and sat by the window, leaning my head back against it. I was on my way to Hogwarts, I was extremely grateful to be doing so. Hogwarts was my safe place, a distraction, and it was the place I wanted to be when I wasn't there. It was my escape from the cold hallways, silent rooms, and shut down hearts of my house. 

I grimace slightly, hearing the compartment door slide open. A redhead, a few years younger than me, peeked her head in, "oh, can we sit here?" I nod and she and a boy sat across from me. "This is Neville and my name is Ginny, you're Y/L/N right? A fifth year?"

My eyebrows raise unintentionally, surprised, people don't usually know me. I nod once again and Ginny seems to be about to say something more when the lights go out suddenly. I tilt my head, contemplating what's going on. Vaguely, I noticed Ginny looking out the compartment door as I studied the way ice crystallized on the window. I calmly stand and pull a bemused Ginny back behind me.

I pull my wand and search my walled and concealed mind for a happy memory. I struggle to find one, sure I have had good times, but nothing feels strong enough. Then I have an epiphany, maybe it doesn't have to be something, but somewhere. Somewhere that brings out the good feelings I have.

I watch a black shadow roll across the windowed door. My lips go purple, my face pales in the frigid air, and my fingers lose feeling all in one second. My breath of relief was cut short as the shadow was back, hovering menacingly over the compartment door.

I hear a fearful, stuttered whisper from Neville, "w-what is it?"

It's the first words I had spoken to them, and it hurts like a ton of ice is ringing my lips, "a dementor." I'm scared, I haven't learned the charm, only read about it.

As the door slid open, I thought of the corridors at night, moonlight illuminating them through the large windows. I thought of the kitchens, warm and smelling of my favorite food every time I enter. I go to my favorite area by the Black Lake with its wild flowers and cool air.

The spell slips out of my mouth in a numb whisper, "expecto patronum."

It worked for a moment, but then I heard it. Nothing, the unbearable silences. I hear nothing, feel nothing, and couldn't move in my own home. My parents moved around me as if I didn't exist. They were young at first, really young, around when it first began, before they began rapidly aging. They began ignoring me as if they couldn't hear me screaming at them. They aged until their present age. Then everything stopped.

It started with feeling the wood floor on the pads of my fingers, smooth with uneven bumps. Everything else came at once, the pains in my body and a ringing in my ears. As the ringing faded I could hear a voice, "is she going to be alright?"

Another one replies, "yes, she was under a long time though, I'm not sure how it will affect her."

A nervous voice speaks next, "should we help her?"

I open my eyes and immediately regret it as the light assails them. I squeeze them shut quickly, "no, she's coming to, we don't want to scare her. That was quicker than I thought it'd be." He had a very kind voice.

I open my eyes again and stare up at the compartment's ceiling. I reach out blindly for the seat I know is next to me and pull myself into a seated position. I look over, Neville is standing in the doorway clutching his pet frog, a paled look about him. Across from me was Ginny and a scruffy man with scars and a kind smile on his face, "hello Ms. Y/L/N."

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