Broomsticks and Fireworks

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George POV

"So, George," Fred starts, nonchalant which is kind of unnerving, "what do you smell?" He waves the cauldron of amortentia under my nose.

"Why?" I furrow my eyebrows and scrunch my nose.

"Just tell me."

I roll my eyes, "the burrow and," the smell of (what you smell like) had gotten strong, "Oh." I look at Fred who nods his head.


"Got to do something about that huh?" 

"Y/N! Wake up!" I lean over her and she grumbles incoherently and her eyes squint open. "Wake up, darling."

"What?" She asked with irritation seeping through her words.

"Just come on, you're going to wake up Gin." I take both her hands and lift her into a seated position, she sits there and glares at me for a second, before getting up. "Grab pants." I whisper and she, annoyed, grabs a pair.

"What's going on? What are we doing?" We've moved into Fred and I's room, I throw her one of my sweatshirts. She tiredly puts it on over her Weasley sweater, swimming slightly in it, making me smile. "George, what are we doing?"

I grab a Gryffindor scarf and start wrapping it around her and she surprisingly let's me, "we're going on an adventure."

"Be quieter." Fred grumbles and I roll my eyes, he likes his sleep.

"But its 1 a.m." She pouts and I smile more.

"Perfect time."

"What if your mom wakes up?"

"Fred has us covered."

Her nose scrunches up, "if he wakes up."

"Trust me, it'll be fun." I wink and drag her outside and we trudge through the snow out back and through the woods.

She takes my hand and I raise my eyebrow, a smirk falling on my face. She glares, "It's fucking cold." My smirk softens a bit and I just enjoy the feel of her hand. We come to the clearing I was taking her to and she frowns, "really?" I grin, "what is with you two and pyrotechnics?" I go to the end of the clearing and light them, running back to her and taking her hand, "I think your mum will be mad if you burn the woods up." She mumbles, but is waiting staring intently at the fireworks.

"She'd live." The first one shoots in the air and explodes in red and green.

I watch her smile and it once again shocks me a little, "where'd you get them?"

"Some muggle shop." I whisper, still studying the side of her face.

She looks back at me and I can just barely see some red on her cheeks in the dark, "you know how to work muggle fireworks?" Another firework shoots into the sky and Y/N quickly turns back to watch it explode into a shower of sizzling gold.

"Yeah." The next to shoot up is a blue and white burst and she stands closer, probably cold. After the fireworks, I grab my broom I had leaned against the tree.


"Oh Merlin, what now, it's too cold for flying." I murmur, watching him, but in all reality I wanted to do whatever it is because it's all been worth it so far.

He gives me a small smile I barely see in the dark, "don't you trust me?"

George makes me get on in front of him and flies up and just stays there. Within a few minutes, the sun begins it's ascent, I watch in awe, like I always do with sunrises and sunsets. "What is this?" I whisper.

"You know." He replies and I turn around so my whole body is facing him.


"You know why." The sun is hitting those honey eyes and I'm falling into them again.

"I want to kiss you."

He smiles, "Okay." I press my lips to his, it goes much more smoothly this time and is a lot less awkward and much longer.  "I told you." He says, when we pull back just a little.

I narrow my eyes at him, "told me what?"

"You fell for me."

"You did first."




I scrunch my nose up, "you and your brother are so immature." He kisses me again to respond.

Mrs. Weasley is waiting with a scary look on her face and I grumble to George, "I told you he'd be asleep."

"You two can't just go off on a rendezvous whenever you want." She shakes her head at us and my lip trembles a little, not used to this and not liking Mrs. Weasley upset with me. This is all George's fault. "George, I think you'd have learned your lesson after the car incident." I raise an eyebrow, but she turns to me, "I don't want you letting George be a bad influence." She frowns and so do I. She sighs, "now, come on to breakfast."

She disappears into the kitchen and I glare at George, "that would've been so much worse if it wasn't you." He says and I try to deepen my glare and he just smiles, "you know it was worth it." I want to kiss him again.

Fred sits next to George during breakfast, "so did it work?"

"What do you think?" George smirks.

"Never doubted you, dear brother." I roll my eyes.

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