When Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom is Your Safe Place

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Thinking back, the fact that George Weasley was my first kiss is absolutely ridiculous. We had only known each other a night, we were such kids. Escaping these thoughts, I give George an annoyed look, "can I pass now?"

He grins and he and Fred form something analogous to a wall with their bodies in front of me. "First, you have to prove me wrong. Turn around."

Realizing what he was talking about, I roll my eyes and turn. In a few moments, I am permitted to turn, immediately my eyes find Georges. They were hard to forget honey brown with little flakes of gold. Stepping toward him and keeping eye contact, "excuse me, George." He smiles a little.

"Do I have too?"

"Very much so.

George's POV

I watch Y/N leave, smirk coming on my face, "George, didn't you get over that crush when she completely ignored you?" Fred asks, throwing an arm around me.

"I don't still have a crush on a girl I liked when I was thirteen." I scoff, before grinning, "I just think she'd be a fun one to do a little prank on."

"I mean, she's a bit," Fred tilts his head, "she's definitely not going to like it."

I grin, "exactly."

I spot Y/N in the corridor and hit Fred in the chest to point her out to him, "I hear," I start, coming up next to her in the corridor.

Fred falls into step with her on her other side, "you are the badass that saved our sister."

"I wouldn't call it saving her, but yeah, what of it?" She replies and I make a noise of disagreement.

We both step in front of her at the same time. I give the girl in front of me a smirk, "well thank you of course."

She shifts a bit and glances away, "yeah."

"And, Ginny of course told our mum," I inform her as Fred places a letter with 'Y/N YL/N' written on the envelope on the book she was carrying, "who of course needed to thank you." I finish, placing a baggy of treacle fudge and pumpkin pasties on the book as well.

She stares down at it, puzzled and mumbled, "she didn't have to."

"Of course she did." Fred says automatically.

"You protected Gin, I frankly wouldn't be surprised if you got Christmas and birthday gifts from her for the rest of your life." I shrug, trying to seem nonchalant.

"Might even get invited over for Christmas vacation."

"I see a Weasley sweater in your future."

She stares at us, face seeming disoriented and frankly, a bit alarmed, "she looks scared, don't she Georgie?" Fred has an amused grin spread on his face.

"That she does, Freddy," A smile matching my brothers forming.

"Not going to get out of this one though, dear brother."

"Not in the slightest."

"No chance whatsoever."

I gain some confidence and lean down a bit towards her face, "Our mother officially adores you and she hasn't met you once."


Thoroughly discombobulated by the verity that this woman that has never met me can feel these emotions for me, but my own mother, and father, feel nothing, but repugnance for me. "How?" My voice cracks unintentionally and I quickly walk away, overwhelmed.

I stand on the platform beneath the window in Moaning Myrtles bathroom and lean my head against the stone wall, looking outside. I have tried and tried to be indifferent about my parents austere and apathetic demeanor, but it's hard. Especially when hearing about other people's family relationships.

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