Opening Up

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When I land in my destination, with a slight bit of nausea, I open my eyes to brown ones twinkling back at me, Georges. He's leaned against the top of the fireplace, grinning down at me, "thank Merlin you weren't my father." He jokes, moving back so I could get out of the way before Mr. Weasley came through. I look around the room, warm and cozy, pictures upon pictures on the walls and the modest Christmas tree in the corner. George throws his arm around my shoulders, "you are going to have a great time, I'll make sure." He says, giving me a wink.

I roll my eyes and push his arm off, "again, you better not bother me, Weasley."

Mr. Weasley came through and nodded at us, "make yourself at home, I'll let Molly know you are here."

I turn to George, panicking, "what if she doesn't like me? What if I offend her? George, what do I do?" I start to hyperventilate faintly as I start to fall into my own head and worry myself.

"Breath." He says, quietly, leaning down so all I can see is his face and those really captivating brown eyes, I'm afraid of falling into. "You have absolutely nothing to worry about, she is going to love you, she already does. You could never offend her, you're too smart." He ends off with an impish grin.

As though he knew his mother was coming, he probably did, he pulled away at just the right time. "Oh, Y/N dear, it is so good to finally meet you!" Her arms are spread and I know what's coming, my eyes wide, I shoot a pleading look to George. He has an amused look on his face and mouths, 'you're okay.' Her arms wrap around me and I stand there stoically for a second, taking it in, the last hug I got was George in third year. It was warm and it felt so safe, I awkwardly pat her back slightly. "You're so thin! Hopefully we can change that!" She smiles good-naturedly as she pulls back. My parents feed me, they aren't complete monsters, but it's less home-cooked meals and more packages of ramen noodles and miscellaneous snacks. And I know I am not thin, must be a mother's perspective.

"Uh, um, thank you, Mrs. Weasley." I reply, flustered.

George cuts in, seemingly finally deciding to rescue me, "why don't I show her around mum?" He gives her his best and most charming smile, but it's still met with a stern look.

"You better not do any tricks or anything to upset our guest or your gifts are going straight to the trash."

George salutes her, "yes, ma'am." She waves her finger at him, mumbling, before sighing and returning to where she came from.

I turned to George, a scowl on my face, "I feel bad that she has to raise you and Fred."

He smiles a bit at me, "she enjoys it."

I shake my head at him, "that's what you think."

"Y/N!" Ginny came bounding down the stairs, before stopping in front of me. "Mum was wondering if you'd like to stay in my room or Ron's room, I think it'd be cool to have a girl to hang out with for a change!" The hopefulness in her eyes and excited smile on her face made the decision for me.

"I can stay with you." Her smile gets even bigger and she runs back up the stairs.

George gives an exaggerated groan, "you were supposed to say Ron's so I could visit you at night."

I glare at him, "never in a million years."

"You just wait." He leads me upstairs and opens the door to a room with two beds against opposite walls and Fred snoring in one. There was a desk between the beds in front of the window and a hamper overflowing with clothes, which George shoves into a closet filled with what looks like candy and pranks from Zonkos.

"Aguamente." I whisper and send a stream of water at Fred's face, George catches what I whisper and turns to watch as Fred shoots up.

"George!" He growls, that's the closest to mean I've ever seen a Weasley twin and it's hilarious.

Persistence (George Weasley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now