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I step outside, Bill and the twins are having a snowball fight and I don't mind missing out this time. Ginny comes running out and I follow her because she wants to build a snowman. "I'll do the middle, you do the bottom." She grins and begins, a safe distance from the boys, hopefully.

I roll a ball around on the ground for a little while, until its a decent size and help Gin put the middle on. She makes the head and I put it on for her. The face gets all made up and buttons are added and I give it my scarf. The arms start moving as does the body and I turn, Bill, George, and Fred all had their wands out. Ginny is laughing as they send it chasing after her and I smile, covering it with my hand. George looks back at me and smirks and before I know it the snowman is flying towards me. "Come on love, it just wants a little hug." George calls as I run away.

"George! You guys!" I cry out as they laugh at me, "stop!" I can't help the laugh that bubbles out around the word though.

Ginny runs up to me and starts dragging me to the side of the house, "dad saw some muggle kids playing with these once and bought them for us." Four, old, plastic sleds were leaned against the house and we both take them back to where the boys are. Bill uses some kind of charm to create a nice hill. "Bill, go down with me!" She pulls him to the top and she sits in the front and him awkwardly behind her with his height. They zoom down the hill, Fred maybe upping the speed a bit with his wand. 

Ginny grins and immediately trudges back to the top. George comes to stand next to me, impish grin already on his face, "wanna go down with me?" I roll my eyes, shaking my head, "Come onnnn." 

"Shut it, Weasley." I sigh, crossing my arms.

 He pouts, "please."


He frowns, "Fine, you win this round, you just wait."

Mrs. Weasley calls everyone in for lunch and George falls into step next to me, "hey darling, my hands are cold, warm them up." He smiles and I shake my head.

The next day, George, Fred, and I were taking the ornaments off the tree for their mum. A glass ball had a moving picture of a snowman chasing a much younger Ginny around and I grin and wrap it in newspaper.

I glance at the boys and hold back a laugh because Fred had taken to piling all the garland on George's head without him noticing. I use my wand to float some not breakable ornaments on top and Fred grins, finally placing the metal star on top. Fred reaches for a camera on the shelf and when he holds it up, I grab the star as if placing it top. George gives me a confused look, "What-" The camera flash cuts him off and he finally reaches up and realizes and rolls his eyes.

I find myself laying back on George's bed, staring up at the ceiling while they discuss something I tuned out. A smell engulfs me, (what you'd smell), the Hogwarts bed sheets and a smoky smell mixed with vanilla. I furrow my eyebrows, before sitting up quickly, "oh shit!" I look over and the twins are stirring something in an old pewter cauldron, "oh shit. You've got to be joking." 

"What?" Fred has this smirk on his face that tells me he already knows.

I narrow my eyes at him, "nothing."

His smirk deepens, a mischievous look flashing in his eyes, "really? Don't smell anything unsuspected?"

"Not a thing."

Of course though, Fred got me alone in the kitchen when the others were playing a make-shift game of quidditch. "Y/N." He's got his arms crossed and has a look on his face that makes me think I am not getting out of this one. 

"Fred." I purse my lips and cross my arms, trying to seem bigger than him.

Fred leans towards me a bit, that irritating smirk ever-present on his face, "I think you've got a little secret." 

"I don't know what you are talking about." 

"You like Georrrge." He grins and I grimace slightly hearing it out loud.

"I do not."

"Do to."

"Do not."

"Do to."

"Stop acting like a child." I try and divert the conversation, nose scrunching up a little.

He rolls his eyes, "I win, you didn't deny it."

I glance away, "you are actually a five year old."

"You didn't deny it again." His face softens a little and his voice gets quieter, "you really do like him."

My face contorts, trying to think, "I don't know." I mumble, "I at least know I do not love him, so I don't understand why I smelled him in the amortentia." My nose scrunches again.

"Except maybe you do love him." He shrugs and I shake my head quickly in disagreement.

"Love who?" George came in, his hair and clothes were soaking wet, from sweat, snow, or both, I'm not sure. He's got a frown on his face and I can't help, but stare at him slightly, only slightly. 

"Nobody." I make sure my voice remains even and glare at Fred.

"Fiiine." Fred sighs and drags George away with the words prank and Bill on the tip of his tongue.

So, maybe I started distancing myself, as much as one could when confined to the same house, and reverting back to my closed off, aloof ways. Feelings aren't something I understand, nor react very well to. So for the past couple days I've avoided George, which wasn't the best plan because Mrs. Weasley seemed to think we were 'having problems.' 

"George! Get her chair for her! George, open the door for her! George, check in with her!" Mrs. Weasley would constantly fuss and I could tell George was getting a bit irritated over it all.

"George chair." Mrs. Weasley whispered as everyone sat for dinner. George sighed and pulled out my chair.

I pursed my lips and sat down awkwardly. George leaned toward me, "why are you acting like this? If I have to pull out one more chair, I know you aren't into that kind if thing."

I frown deeply, "acting like what?"

"You know." He murmurs, his voice isn't mad, just perturbed.

"I haven't been acting like anything." I look at him and there's that smell again and those honey eyes, worry swirling within them. I frown, "I'm not."

"Yes, you are," he pouts, slightly playfully, "you've been ignoring me darling."

My cheeks warm a bit, "I have not."

Mrs. Weasley clears her throat, "why don't you two make your plates?"

George grabs my hand and takes me all the way to Ron's room, "alright, tell me what's going on." 

"I don't know what you mean." I glance around, studying the quidditch posters.

"You do too." He smiles slightly, shaking his head, "I've missed you, Y/N/N." He mock pouts and I roll my eyes.

"We have been in the same house the whole time, George."

"Except one wouldn't know that because you've been avoiding me like the plague." 

I sigh and narrow my eyes at him, "maybe it's because I don't like you."

He just grins and sneaks his arms around my waist, "never." I glare at him, but don't move to push him away. 

I hold my hands and rest them against his chest, "it's true, you are absolutely insufferable." I mumble. I glance up at him, at his eyes glowing as they look at me.

He smirks, "what? You think you're a peach?" 

I glare at him, light-hearted, "absolutely." 

His smirk softens and his eyes are still shining, "now will you stop ignoring me, Y/N/N?"

I scrunch my nose up a bit, "I guess I could, not that I was."

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