Chapter 23

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Alice's POV

School went okay. Not much happened. No detention, and surprisingly Kelly didn't come to our class.

Isaac and I actually toke the bus today. I wanted him to sit next to me, but when he tried to some weird girl pulled him to sit next to her!

Isaacs POV

"Hey! What the heck Courtney!" I yelled as Courtney pulled me into her seat.

"I wanted to sit next to Alice!"

"What? Why would you want to sit next to HER! She is a bully, she hurt Kelly's feelings! You should hang out with me! Do you want to come over tonight and do homework?"

"No. I do my homework with Alice. At my own house thank you."

"Oh come on Isaac!"

"Leave me ALONE!"

"No! We have a 30 minute bus ride to my house, you're stuck with me!"

Wow. I hate her. I look back at Alice and she is watching this whole thing, and she doesn't realize Gerrit took a seat next to her.

Alice's POV

"Um.. hello? Alice is it?" Some kid next to me asked.

"Uh yeah, and you are?"

"Gerrit. I sit two seats behind you in English and Math."

"Oh. Hey."

"Are you signed up in any clubs at school?"

"No. I'm kinda new to the whole school thing, today is my second day in my entire life."

"What were you homeschooled?"

"Eh sort of. My dad taught me some things."

"Oh. Do you live with your dad now?"

"No. He is in jail."

"Oh. So I hear you're living with the Fryes."


"You should leave. They are bad news. Especially the oldest one, Jordan."

"There is not a single freaking thing wrong with Jordan! He is amazing, sweet, and hilarious!"

"Ha. That's funny. You'll see."

"Uh, what will I see? What supposedly do the Fryes do?"

"Well, Jordan has cheated many many mang times on other girls. He does drugs, and vandalised things, and ugh, a bunch of other horrible things I don't want to talk about. And the wrest are just like him."

"Oh my god. Shut up you idiot! Jordan has never ever even kissed a girl before, let alone cheat on them! Jordan is so cautious about taking bad things, he won't even drink coffee, he has never had beer or wine, and he does NOT vandalize things for crying out loud! Geez! What is wrong with you!"

"Whatever Alice. You're warned."

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