Some Things to Know

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So, I've never participated in this sort of thing before, but this year I decided I wanted to give it a shot to both help keep me from falling in a slump as well as help keep me motivated. I also feel like it will serve as good practice for when it comes to writing smut as well as finding the kind of style I want to really use when it comes to writing smut. But there are a few things I feel I should make clear:

1. I'm not an expert in the field of sex or in writing smut, but I do try my best to make things flow nicely and sound somewhat realistic, so please do forgive me if something in inaccurate or sounds a bit ridiculous. 

2. There will be lewd and crude language seeing how since this is a book full of smut there will be crude words used when referring to certain body parts.

3. Every chapter will start out with a AU: and Summary: at the beginning. By allowing myself to use AUs it gives me more breathing room and freedom to work with each of the prompts, if the one-shot is set in the original One Piece timeline then you will see this [AU: None] while the summary portion just gives a basic summary of what to expect in the chapter. 

4. To those curious about Skylar's character, you can learn more about her by reading my main One Piece story "One Piece (Love Story)" or reading the scenarios book I have for her "Skylar Strife: Facts, Questions, and Scenarios.

5. Most of the prompts for this list all come from the same place, but a good few have been switched with prompts from other lists. They all come from Tumblr.

6. Some of the stories in here will either have a large amount of build up to the smut while others might not, it all depends on the prompt. If any of these one-shots are of a length that you enjoy and would like to see more of in later prompts, then don't be afraid to tell me. 

7. Even though I've posted smut before on this site and this account, I still do feel greatly embarrassed and nervous in posting such stories. So, please, don't be afraid to comment and tell me what you think. The feedback would be greatly appreciated and would help serve as a great motivator for me.

That's all I feel at the moment needed to be said before we begin. I do hope that you all will enjoy what I have planned and will let me know what you think. Enjoy this month full of smut filled stories. 

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