Chapter 5

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She's onto me.

Is all I could think as I jogged outside to the beach where my board was standing next to my towel. I didn't know whether having Makayla know I was a werewolf is a good thing or not. That's what I wanted wasn't it? Well, now I've got it. What if she thought I was a creep? What if she thought that I was some sort of monster? She just said wolves are peaceful didn't she? Does that mean she likes werewolves too? Does she even believe in werewolves or does she think it's just a coincidence that my eyes are wolf like? I wish I knew.

"What do I do coach?" Makayla giggled as I pulled my board out of the sand. Did she even like me? What if she thought I was a loser? I must've looked worried or something because she looked up into my eyes and said.

"Hey, are you okay? We don't have to surf today if you don't want to." She said in a really sweet voice that made me smile widely.

"Nah, I'm good. Let's do some warm ups shall we?" I suggested.

"What like stretches?" She asked still smiling and happy.

"I guess so. Why not?"

She laughed. She thinks I'm a total idiot!

"You're so cute, you know that?" She asked. My mouth dropped open wide and I blushed. I could feel my cheeks burning, which made her giggle and blush too. "I can't believe I just said that, can I take it back? I feel really embarrassed now."

"What's said is said. No take backs." I laughed lightening the mood.

We stretched for a bit then we ended up pretending to paddle in the sand. It was a warm morning and it was fun just mucking around with Makayla in the sun. And she thought I was cute. Did she mean cute as in little brother cute or as in good looking cute? Maybe she thought the way I get all flustered around her is cute. That makes me feel like an even bigger idiot.

After we'd practiced in the sand we got up and tried out the water. The waves are perfect today. Not too bug but also not too small. Good for beginners.

"I don't think I'm very good." Kayla told me as we paddled out to sea.

"You'll be fine." I promised. "I'll be here to catch you if you fall."

She looked into my eyes and I looked back I put my hand on hers and smiled softly. She sighed then paddled further out and rode on a wave that seemed perfect. She was a little shaky at first but she started to look more comfortable and before I knew it she was surfing. And then,

She fell.

I rushed over to her side. She looked a bit dizzy and her eyes looked far away and distant.

"Are you okay?" I whispered. "You took a pretty hard fall."

"I'm fine. My head hurts a little though." She replied.

"Let's go back to shore. You don't look so good." She nodded and I hauled her up onto my board with one hand and grabbed her board with the other. I managed to paddle awkwardly back to the beach and when the water was shallow enough Makayla jumped down and I helped her stumble to shore. Zachary was waiting with a worried look on his face.

"Makka! What happened to you? I'll go get a bandage from the car." Zachary cried.

"Oh shut up Zachary. It's nothing really, just a little bump. I'll live." Makayla growled at Zachary.

"I think you should bandage it up, you're bleeding." I interrupted their little argument.

"Zachary?" Zachary ran up to his car and followed Makayla's instruction to get a bandage.

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