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Behind a dumpster of a fancy restaurant isn't actually a bad place to cry. But as much as I was having a good time crying over the fact that Jesse made me feel so unworthy today, my dress was starting to get ruined, and I paid a lot of money for it. I could hear footsteps coming from the side of the dumpster. Looking down at the ground, I could recognize those shoes very well. It was Dylan, probably here to lecture me about Jesse, and that I need to move on.

"Mya, are you okay?"

"My boyfriend broke up with me, and brought some gorgeous girl here on purpose to rub it in my face. Does it seem like I'm okay?" I said wiping away my tears.

"Mya I'm sorry, but you can't keep running away from your problems. That's not gonna help anything."
He was right, but just for today, I just wanted to be a big baby, and just cry.

"Dylan, I know you paid a lot of money for this dinner reservation, and probably paid more for that expensive suit, but I honestly don't think I wanna be here if I have to spend my night looking at Jesse."

"Mya, I want to spoil you right now and say 'sure we can go home,' but I'm not going to. You need to show Jesse that you don't care about him anymore, by being here, with me, your boyfriend who cares about you so much. I know I'm probably not as good looking as him, or has muscles or abs, but I do have one thing that makes me proud, and that's you. You make me a better person. Everything about me is better with you. The best part about me is you. So, for me, can you just be strong and face Jesse in the eye, and show him that you've moved on?" His beautiful eyes, how could I say no to him? I got up from the disgusting dirty floor, hugged him tight, and kissed his soft lips. Our hands intertwined, and we walked back into the restaurant.

All eyes were on me, hopefully I didn't have anything disgusting or dirty on me. I could see the look in Jesse's eye. It was hatred. I could also see the look in his date's eyes. Jealousy. Envy. But I didn't mind, I do love haters, they help me stay on my grind; as urban as I did sound just a second ago, I was more focused on my delicious meal with my delicious guy. I know, that was corny; but I never knew how special Dylan thought I was. He treats me like a princess, like I'm actually worth something, like I matter.

Half an hour later, Dylan and I are telling each other some stories about ourselves and the date is actually going pretty well. I've missed a lot in Dylan's life, and I don't plan on missing any more. I barely talked to Dylan, because I was so focused on Jesse. But what a complete waste. I wasted six months with him, and I missed sixth months of Dylan's life, that could have been 'our life' together. I feel like a total idiot for dating Jesse. Why did I date him? Oh, right. Because he was hot, gorgeous, owned a motorcycle, hot, had abs, and stunning eyes. Plus, he was hot. But who knew on the inside, he was a total jerk?

I could still see him and his date 'pretending' to have a good time. All those smiles and giggles were totally fake, I could tell. His date got up to throw away her food, and I honestly don't know why (probably to spy on me) because the waiter was gonna take her food, but while walking like he had squirrels in her pants, she 'tripped' and spilled her ravioli all over me. On purpose. I know for a fact that dog spilled it on me on purpose.

"What the hell is your problem? This cost me a fortune!"

"Sorry, I didn't see where I was going. I'm terribly sorry."

"You were looking right at the trash can, you knew where you was going, and dumped your food on me on purpose. Do you not have any class whatsoever?" She gave the most fake apology I've ever heard in my life, she obviously just wanted to start a fight.

"Hey, quit yelling at her," I heard Jesse say coming towards my table.

"If she said it was an accident, then it was an accident." he said wrapping his hand around her waist.

"Dude we don't need you sticking up for her. Why don't you go back to where you belong?" Dylan said getting in Jesse's face.

"And what if I don't?"

"Then that's gonna be a problem."

"Then let it begin."

Every time Jesse told someone 'let it begin', he always left the person bloody, bruised, or mentally scarred. But Dylan both took karate class in the fifth grade, and so I don't cry ally know how this is gonna end.

Jesse threw a punch, but Dylan cleverly caught it, ending it by throwing a swing at Jesse, leaving Jesse with a bloody nose. Jesse quickly wiped the blood with his sleeve, and pushed Dylan, making him fall on the table, food splattering everywhere. Jesse's date and I tried to break up the fight, but then the owner of the restaurant came, which meant trouble.

The drive home was very silent. Dylan knew I was angry about this, but he should know that it wasn't his fault. It was Jesse, he ruined our first date. He brought a dirty tramp to coincidently the restaurant Dylan was taking me to, just to try to make me jealous, which may or may not have worked. Then his date spills her food all over me, which causes a fight, and gets us kicked out the restaurant. I never even got to have dessert.

"Mya, I'm really sorry about tonight. Tonight was supposed to be just me and you having a good time, but then Jesse came and... I'm just really sorry. I didn't mean to start a fuss."

"It's okay Dyl, you didn't do anything wrong, Jesse did. My spring break resolution was to not even think about him, but then he came with that girl, who looked so gorgeous-"

"She's not as gorgeous as you Mya, you're beautiful. Always remember that."

"Thanks Dylan. But why did you get so angry? I've never seen you so aggressive before."

"That's a side of me no one has probably seen before. There are two things that make me mad, jerks and my dad. I just don't like seeing people hurt the ones I love. I just wanted to keep you safe Mya. I'm sorry you had to see that side of me. It wasn't intentional."

"It's okay. You stood up for me, which was very romantic. When Jesse and I were together, and someone would insult me, he would just stand there and laugh."

"Can I ask you a question?" I nodded my head, hopefully, he wasn't going to ask an embarrassing question. "Why were you with him anyway?"

"I don't know. People said we looked good together, and at the time, I kinda had a crush on him, I thought he was mysterious. But I realized it was a lie, and I was stuck; I wanted to leave, but he said if I ever dumped him, bad things would happen to me. He had such an evil look in his eye, I was scared. But he dumped me." After that, he never responded, and the rest of the car ride home, was just silent.




~Now that I think about it, this isn't one of my best work, but it's something. I really wanted to upload a story, and so far, this is all I've got, (completed-wise).

Sorry of it's not as good as my fanfiction.

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