No Turning Back

791 49 36

Day 11

Today is Saturday. Dylan wakes up around 8 and goes straight to the kitchen for his morning coffee. His mouth is watering, tasting the foamy cappuccino even before entering the kitchen. When he gets there, he stops and seems disturbed by the sight: Yue has invaded the kitchen table with crafting materials. She is concentrated drawing something and there are colored pencils, stamps, stickers and papers all over the place.

"Ahem... Hi... What is all this?" the neat and tidy Dylan finds this bothersome...

"Oh, hi! – Yue greets him with a 'forgive me' smile on her guilty face. – I am making cards for my students, family and friends. I miss them and I want to let them know... It helps..."

Mmm... That's sweet! Dylan thinks looking at her and reflecting on her good intentions. "Well, it's a nice gesture; the thing is, you've taken over the place, and I need to have breakfast, so... We have to come up with another solution."

"I don't have any space in my room. My desk is small and it's already full of work stuff, and my computer."

"Ha! Desk! – Dylan exclaims raising his index finger. – Come with me!"

He helps her gather her material and takes her to his studio. "Here, you can have half my desk. It's so big and I never use that side anyway."

"Are you sure? I mean, it's very generous of you, but you're all organized and neat... Won't you mind the mess? My mess?"

"Um, how about I give you a drawer to put all your things away once you are finished for the day? Can you handle that?" he asks with a clever expression.

"Alright. Thanks", she answers doubtful about the situation.

Yue is honestly touched that he would share his studio, his desk, and a drawer with her... All the prejudices she had about Dylan have slowly vanished. He has been nothing but kind to her so far. There has not been any reason to be mean to him, not a pretext to dislike him. Maybe being friends is not so bad. He is an interesting guy, I'm sure it will be entertaining to be friends... How risky can that be?

Dylan leaves Yue working on her cards and goes back to the kitchen to have breakfast. After a few minutes he shouts: "Shen Yueeeee! Come here!"

"Huh? Is he calling for me? That's weird... What does he want?"

Since she is curious, she proceeds to the kitchen right away. There, Dylan presents her a beautiful cup of cappuccino with a foam leaf and heart: "Aw, it's so beautiful! It's a shame to drink this! Is it for me?"

 There, Dylan presents her a beautiful cup of cappuccino with a foam leaf and heart: "Aw, it's so beautiful! It's a shame to drink this! Is it for me?"

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Dylan nods. He is already enjoying his cup joyfully and she can see in his eyes that he is smiling while sipping his cup. He is proud of his creation.

"How did you make this? I want to learn!"

"Drink it and I will show you. Tell me if you like it. It's Italian coffee..."

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