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Day 23

It's Thursday at 9 am. Dylan opens his bedroom door and peeks into Yue's room. She is still sleeping, and he finds it very strange, she never sleeps late unless she is sick. Of course, he is now worried. His stubborn woman has a tendency of getting hurt or sick easily...

After a while, Yue comes down for breakfast and Lusi is right behind her. Dylan is relieved, sort of, but both ladies look like they have been hit by a bus and Dylan wonders what happened to them. They are also not talking to each other.

This house has turned into a battlefield and he needs to find a neutral zone to hide or he will become a victim of crossfire. He stands up and begins to walk towards his studio, where he hopes to disappear all day until the conflict is over.

"Dylan! – Lusi shouts and Yue's nostrils widen in rage. – Your wife kept me awake all night to prevent me from going to your room again!" she yells at him but looking at Yue.

Dylan winces at the scream and the news and turns around with a shocked face: "What?"

"She – Lusi says pointing at Yue – is jealous! She doesn't want me to be with you! She said you are her husband and called me a slut!" Lusi grins, this will make Yue withdraw for sure.

"Shen Yue... Did you really use the H word?"

"Tsk... I don't know what she is talking about..." Yue's pride takes over.

The girls start arguing and shouting and Dylan realizes it is useless to stay there; Yue will die before she acknowledges anything.

Dylan spends the day in his studio, avoiding the women, and then goes straight to his bedroom in the evening. There is one problem with his door though, it does not lock because he lost the key months ago. I hope Lusi does not try to come back... Ugh!

In Dylan's room there is a fireplace and tonight it is truly cold outside, hence, why not turn on that cozy fire and relax, away from the warzone?

He adjusts the wood, gets the flame started and then goes to bed. He feels as though he is inside a cottage in the mountains, alone, with no chick fights, only the peaceful noise of the wood cracking that sounds like a melodic lullaby.

Across the hall, Yue cannot fall asleep, she is staring at the ceiling, nervous, worried, anxious... Why do I care if he sleeps with Lusi? It's none of my business really! I better rest... He can sleep with whomever he wants! Right? He was used to doing it before the isolation, and now he has someone again... But did he turn Lusi down last night or not? Did he sleep with her already?! Oh, my stomach hurts! Why does my tummy hurt? That's it, Yue! Close your eyes and let them do whatever they want.

However, as soon as Yue hears Lusi's door open, her heart skips a beat and she gets irritated, enraged even. There's no way she's gonna sleep with him! I'm his wife!

Yue rushes to the corridor and sees Lusi walking towards her.

This suddenly becomes a scene from a Western movie, where the cowboy challenges the criminal to a duel: Lusi stops a few steps away and Yue glances at her, livid. How dare she? Yue takes a couple of steps towards Dylan's door and puts the hand on the knob with a malevolent smirk. Lusi cannot believe she would be capable of that... All the implications of that gesture are appalling, she would not have the audacity! She sends Yue an "I dare you" look... Challenge accepted: Yue opens the door and gets into Dylan's room, closing the door behind her.

Her heart goes pitter-patter as she leans on the locked door facing his bed...

Falling in love triggers the heart to beat faster and that is why she can feel it pumping away when she is close to Dylan, but it is so hard to acknowledge it.

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