Stargazing (Fumi x Rui x Tamao)

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Synopsis: For Tamao's birthday her girlfriends decide to take her stargazing

Rating: G


Knock knock

Fumi looked up from the book she had been skimming through. Looks like they had finally arrived. They were a little late.

Fumi got up and opened the door. Outside stood Tamao and Rui. She quickly let them inside. It was quite cold out tonight. She wasn't dressed to go out yet so standing there was making her very cold.

"Sorry we're late. Ichie wouldn't stop talking." Tamao apologized.

"It's fine. We still have some time before we should leave." Fumi replied, "Are you guys cold?"

"A little bit..." Rui mumbled as she was rubbing her hands together.

"I made some tea. Let me get it. It should warm you up a bit." Fumi said with a soft smile, "Take a seat. I'll be right back."

While Fumi went to do that, Tamao and Rui took a seat on the couch.

"I didn't expect it to get that cold." Tamao said as she shivered slightly.

"It is winter already..." Rui sighed, "Can't believe it's already snowed."

Tamao laughed softly, "I thought you liked the snow?"

"I do, but it's so cold." Rui pouted.

Fumi returned to the room, now with a tray. She set it down and handed the two girls a cup of tea. They thanked her and fell back into silence. It was nice. They didn't need to speak at all. Just being together was enough to satisfy them.

Eventually, they started up a conversation. They discussed different things. They talked about school, the weather, Fumi's book, and more.

Fumi glanced at the clock, "It should be dark enough if we want to go now."

"You better get changed then." Tamao said.

"I'll be back in a minute then." Fumi got up and went to her room.

She returned quickly and they got ready to go outside again. Rui led the way, as she had chosen the spot for them. Once there, Fumi laid down a blanket for them to sit on.

Tamao sat in the middle with Fumi and Rui each on one side. They were right against each other.

"The sky looks very pretty tonight." Rui commented.

"Perfect for a little stargazing."

"Thank you for this." Tamao smiled at both of them.

"It's your birthday. We have to spoil you a little, don't we?" Fumi teased as she kissed her on the cheek.

Tamao blushed in response. Rui casually wrapped an arm around her and nuzzled herself into her hair. Tamao looked up at her and was met with a kiss on her forehead.

"Love you." Rui whispered.

"Love you too." Tamao replied.

Fumi reached out and held one of Tamao's hands. She wasn't getting left out of this. Tamao looked at her. Fumi held her hand and gave it a firm squeeze.

"Love you, Fumi."

"And I love you."

They fell into a peaceful silence and returned to looking at the stars. There weren't many clouds in the sky. It was a very clear night. Just perfect for this occasion.

At some point Tamao rested her head against Fumi's shoulder. Rui removed her hand and opted to hug her completely instead. They stayed that way for a while longer, until they started really feeling the cold air.

"Ready to head back?" Fumi asked.

"Yeah. It's really getting cold now." Rui nodded.

Tamao didn't respond, making them both look at her. It appeared she had fallen asleep. Fumi brushed some hair out of her face.

"It was a busy day at school." Fumi commented.

"I'll carry her back." Rui offered.

"Alright." Fumi nodded.

Rui carefully picked her up. She didn't want to disturb her if possible. Fumi folded up the blanket and then they headed back to her house.

"You can just put her on my bed for now. I haven't set up the bed on the floor yet." Fumi told Rui as they entered her house.

"Okay." Rui nodded and did just that.

Fumi sighed in relief as she was hit by warm air. At least the apartment was heated. She went after Rui so she could start setting up their bed.

Rui watched as she dug through her closet. Before she could pull anything out, arms wrapped around her from behind. Fumi turned to see Rui was there.

Rui smiled at her and nuzzled herself into Fumi's neck. Fumi reached up and cupped her cheek with one hand. She could feel Rui smile.

"Love you, Fumi."

"Love you too, Rui." Fumi turned around completely and kissed her.

Rui was taken by surprise and let out a small squeak. Fumi chuckled at her reaction and then went back to pull out the sleeping mat. Rui was bright red. Fumi pretended to pout at her.

Rui hugged her again. Fumi returned the hug. They stayed like that for a bit, before Fumi pulled away. She just wanted to finish getting their bed ready. Rui was really being a distraction right now.

"Babe, if you let me finish, I'll give you as much attention as you want, okay?" Fumi requested.

"Fine." Rui pouted, but agreed to it.

Fumi finally finished setting it up. She carefully placed Tamao down on the bed and then faced Rui.

"Alright. What do you want?"

"Can we cuddle?"

"Switching our arrangement are we?" Fumi teased lightly.

"We don't really spend time with just us two." Rui replied.

"Fair enough. Come on then." Fumi shifted Tamao over to the edge of the bed where she would normally be.

Rui was placed in the middle. They laid down. Fumi wrapped her arms around Rui and held her close. Rui smiled and curled closer. This was a very rare thing.

They both felt a little bad about leaving Tamao out completely. But, she was already asleep. One night wouldn't hurt. But it was her birthday. They both silently decided they'd pamper her tomorrow to make up for it.

"Sweet dreams, Rui." Fumi kissed her on the head.

"Goodnight, Fumi." Rui responded.

It wasn't long after that they both fell asleep as well.


Around midnight, Tamao woke up. She noticed quickly the absense of both of her girlfriends against her. She rubbed her eyes and sat up. She realized she was not in her normal place.

She cracked a smile when she saw Rui and Fumi snuggling, though. It was cute. Tamao laid back down and pressed herself against Rui's back. She was content to be like this for the night. It wasn't a bother to her.

She pressed her face into Rui's hair, one hand running through it. That woke her up. Rui mumbled something before turning and laying on her back. Tamao looked at her.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up." She apologized.

Rui just pulled her closer. Tamao rested her head on Rui's chest and closed her eyes. This was also acceptable for tonight. Rui still had her other arm around Fumi. She cautiously moved her closer as well. The distance she had been at was straining her arm.

Fumi unconsciously moved closer. One hand was placed on her chest. That hand soon was held by Tamao's. Rui smiled and closed her eyes. She was satisfied with this position now. Both of them got equal attention for the night. That was the best scenario.

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