~Missing you~

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"I'm gonna miss you guys" ruby sighed pulling her suitcase to sit perfectly next to her. Everyone was unhappy about her leaving well except for Louis because he was leaving with her.
"B-but you. You are leaving m-me and h-holly alone forever"  Freya wimped trying to find the words to say she had her words planed out in her head. it was the usual plead for ruby not to leave that she has practiced so much That even cole knew it off by heart Holly practically did the same saying her famous lines in freyas speech. Ruby just rolled her eyes and giggled slightly the three girls hated being apart, long distance wasn't really there thing.

There is such sadness in leaving a place of strong love, a place where memories grew as fast like the clover in the grass of their garden. She knows she will savour each memory so strongly that it will almost live with her for eternity. The room fell silent ruby was lost in her thoughts she remembered first moving to the exact house they were stood in. They Camped out in a house full of boxes for weeks they only had a sleeping bag, a kettle and a couple packets of biscuits surprisingly they lasted a while with ruby in the house they are normally gone in the first five minutes. Ruby laughed at her thoughts knowing the girls are slightly over reacting at the fact she is only leaving for work as she normally does.

It was the day. The day they escaped reality for a little while. Being famous was the double edged sword everyone said it was, yet she was always glad she'd taken that step. She had a mission that made her soul sparkle brighter than any star in the sky. Privacy didn't exist in the world of fame there was always a rumour or an assumption but this was the twins dream since they was little.
"Jo would be so proud of you both" Harry smiled tilting his head upwards to meet his eyes with Louis'
It wasn't long before everyone was crying in a huddle at the front of the house.
"Hello" ruby grinned holding her phone slightly in front of her. "Hey love how was the flight are you and Lou okay,  wait I'm gonna quickly get Harry" someone said on the other end of the FaceTime call Louis couldn't make out who it was at first but then he assumed it was cole. "Where's Lou" Harry appeared on the screen slightly taller than than Cole. "Hazza" Lou screamed in a gentle way running into the living room then wildly hopping on the sofa next to his sister. "Loubear I miss you" Harry sighed looking towards the laptop screen a smile grew across his pale face when he saw lou dive onto the sofa. It had only been around 20 hours since they had split but it felt like it had already been weeks. It took a while for Louis to process his words this was the first time him and Harry was apart for a long time he hated it so so much. "I miss you more" he mumbled just loud enough so everyone could hear. "I'm sorry cole love but we have to live stream in 5 so I'm gonna go I love you I'll call you later bye" ruby smiled waving towards the phone ending the call.
"Lou I know it's hard but we will be back soon and I promise we will call him everyday"
"Okay" his reply was slow his voice almost sounded weak "there was a time where I was angry at the world, yet I have found my peace with it. Who would have thought the bathroom of the brits would change my life forever when I entered it he was stood there the love of my life I had always secretly been a fan" he hiccupped, a huge sunshine grin spread across his face before he carried on "he still doesn't know that, I was so distracted by his charm I nearly peed on him that's the meaning behind this tattoo" he giggled pointing at the tattoo that's placed on the inside of his right arm "he pulled me out of the dark he showed me what real happiness is and I have never gone a week without seeing his adorable face" he cringed at his words they were almost inspirational. "Your really a big softie deep down aren't ya" ruby giggled.

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