Chapter 1

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Today's the day, I finally get to live out my dream as the first girl in the PBR(Professional Bull Riders). I kept my training a secret from my parents. If they found out I would have been dead a long time ago. In Fact they don't even know I got a ride high enough for the PBR. They never come to my rodeos, there either working or sleeping. It's probably for the better.

My phone vibrates and I'm debating if I want to pick it up, if it's my parents they will kill me if they find out I left their dream for me to go rope, to go and bull ride, but I'm also at the event, so they could be telling me to get down and get ready to perform. I picked it up. "Rain Stilinski." I say.

"How's the best bull rider in the whole dang world doing!?" Thank goodness it's my best friend, Austin. He's one of the only people that approve of me bull riding. He's a bull rider too, he understands why I don't stop. The adrenalin. The rush. The strength.

"Dang good, how about one of the worst bull riders, how you doing?" I say jokingly. Austin is not only my best friend but also my mentor.

"Ha ha, you ready to come out? I'll be at your pen in about five to ten minutes."

"I'm past ready." I'm ready for the next chapter of my life to start, ready for my career.

*By the bulls*

I'm ready for my ride. I'm by the one and only chiseled, staring into his blood thirst eyes. "One day I'll ride you, and I'll defeat you." I say to the bull as if he can actually understand me. If only I could ride a bull as good as him, today I'll be riding Phantom. A lower rank bull, more like a practice bull than a rodeo bull, but they insist I ride a lower rank until I get used to their bulls.

"There she is! The one and only Rain!!" Says Austin as he enters.

Austin rides the high rank bulls, he's been riding longer than me and is better than me.

"Yes, Yes. Now would you like some advice on how to really ride a bull?" I say to him, He playfully punches my arm.

"You ready? Your first ride in the big leagues?" He asks.

"Well if you can make it then it must be easy" I say, he gives me a dirty glare. "Yes I'm ready, I've been ready."

"Did you tell your parents yet?" He asks. He knows he's one of the only people that know of my bull riding career. Not for long though, soon the world will know my name.

"No, you of all people know they wouldn't approve." I say, He gives me a disapproving look.

"Next Into the ring, a very special person is about to take the stage. The one the only RAIN STILINSKI!!!!" The announcer yells my name.

"Go get 'em" Austin says, and off I go.

"Rain is a very special girl, she is the first girl in PBR history to make it to the big leagues! She will be riding the one and Only Phantom!" The announcer yells into the microphone as I go to the chute where Phantom is held.

* * * * * * * *

I throw my leg to the other side of the chute. Phantom jumps up ready to go. "Easy boy, easy" I say as they get my bull rope ready. The next step is the hardest, getting onto the bull. This step being taken the wrong way can mean life or death. I pace myself as I slowly lower my body onto the bull. I'm on. I think in my head. I tighten the bull rope, and put my hand through.

I'm ready, I think. I look at the gate guy and nod.

I tune out everything as Phantom takes a sharp right turn, as we leave the shoot. I try to focus on my position, I keep my legs tight and my back straight. Phantom they jump into a buck then into an unexpected left turn. I'm tempted to grab the bull rope with my free hand but I don't. I get a quick glance at the clock 2.67 with only 6.43 seconds left, it feels like an eternity. Phantom does yet another jump and buck and just goes in a circle, nothing too hard that time. I look to my left and see The fence is getting quite close, I ignore the voices in my head telling me to bail. I should have spurred him. Phantom continues to do jumps with some buck then some more circles. I look at the clock, and I hear the buzzer go off. I bail and sprint to the closet fence or gate. Once I see I scored a 84.52 I realize I did amazing! I take my helmet off and throw it up in the air. I made it to round two.

"You made it!" Austin yells as he sees me. "I knew you could do it!"

"Dang right I did. Thought he was gonna buck me off when he did the left turn. How was my riding? Did I do good?" I ask.

"You did amazing compared to some of the other guys. Your riding was really good except when he got close to the fence you should have spurred him a little and made him move." He said. I knew I should have but I was to Caught up in the moment.

"Yeah I really should have." I say.

"That could have cost you major points. But this is still a qualifying round. They must have really liked your form or something." He says, I can feel the disappointment in his voice as he said it.

"Yeah." Was all I managed to get out.

"Hey great job." Says a husky voice from behind me. I turned, It was a tall man. Who seemed muscular. Very tall, at least 6'2.

"Thank you." I say. "And you are?" He looked super familiar, but I couldn't think of his name or how I remembered him.

"I'm Cole. Cole "

"Cole Clint." I finished it for him, he's a 1 time PBR world champion from 2017. Who was injured in his 2018 ride on his way to another world title, but was badly wounded and could not compete.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Clint!" Austin says. I can tell how excited he is. He's practically jumping up and down.

"Please call me Cole,'' he says, tipping his hat at us.

"Cole, are you coming back to ride again?" I ask, If he is, maybe he can join our quote on quote team.

"No, I'm actually here to get a team for me to mentor, and after seeing you and Austin ride, I would love to have you two on my team." He says. Almost not 100% sure about his choice.

"I mean why not. Who else were you thinking?" He asks.

"I was thinking of Jess Lockwood. He is big in the PBR world and would give us a huge advantage." He says.

"Yes! I'm on bored." I say, and Austin nods his head in agreement.

"Me too," he says.

"Good practices start In two weeks." He says and leaves.

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