Chapter 17: The Ball

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Lizzie's POV:

It's been 2 days since I found out about my parents. I refuse to go anywhere but cry in my room. I hear a knock on my door. "Who is it..?" I say through tears. "It's Daring." He says. "Come in.." I say. The door opens. He sees me crying and rushes to sit down next to me after closing the door. "Lizzie.." He says, stroking my hair. "It's unfair!" I say and cry. "I know Liz.." He tries to comfort me. "It's just.. Why the queen and king?! They should have left first!" I tell him and sit up next to him. "What did you come here for? "I ask, wiping my tears. "Well, my family is having a ball.. and they said that Dexter and I can each invite one person.. would you like to come?" He asks. I blush. He picked me?! "Wouldn't you want Holly or Apple or someone?" I ask. "Or even Sparrow, Hopper, or Hunter?" I ask. "Liz, you better than all those people combined!" He says and smiles. I blush and cover my eyes. "Daring, your teeth are blinding me.." I laugh. He stops smiling. He chuckles, "Sorry. So is the answer yes?" He asks. "I don't think I'm ready.." I say, talking about my parents. "Please Lizzie?" he asks. "B-but-" "It's fine.. you don't have to." He smiles his real, not blinding smile. "Are you sure?" I ask. He nods sadly. I feel really bad. "Fine, I'll go." I smile. "Really?" He asks. I nod and hug him. "It's tonight, I'll pick you up at 4:00, k?" He asks. I nod. After a while, he leaves. "I better go get ready.." He says. "Okay." I smile and he leaves. I get dressed into a beautiful red ball gown with black and gold-ish designs on it. (It's the dress in the pic! :) <3 -Red) I put on plain black heels with a gold heart on them. Now, make-up. I put on my usual heart with red shiny lipstick. I also add some blush and winged eye-liner. Hexcellent. It takes forever to comb my hair! I put my hair in a bun with my crown on, but a few curly strands of hair staying out in front of my ears. After a while, I hear a knock. "Daring?" I ask. "Yep." He says. I let him in, I actually remembered to lock the door this time! Woah.. that's a first. "Wow.. You look gort.. I mean great! Godmother, I'm beginning to sound like Dexter.." He chuckles. I laugh. "Thanks, You look 'gort' too." I laugh.

-=Sorry my Lil' Hatlings!! little interuption!! :3 I am now making doll tutorials on stuff like making beds for your EAH dolls! I have'nt started yet because I need more supplies :( But the youtube channel name is: The Crafty Girl

Thanks!! :) <3 -Red =-

He walks me to this beautiful white, gold, and baby blue carriage. Dexter and Raven are in there too. "Hey Dex." Daring says as he and I sit in the carriage. "Hey.." He says. We talk for a while until we finally arrive at the castle. It is fairy beautiful! Raven and I gasp in awe. The 2 boys take our hands and help us out of the carriage. I notice how pretty Raven's ball gown is. It is dark purple with one strap. It has a ruffley bottom and silver flowers on the strap and one on the waist. It also has silver gems on the ruffles. She has her hair in a bun kind of like mine but with out the little curls and a small silver crown. (BTW Click the link if u wanna see what her dress looks like :3) 

        As we walk in the castle, people stare at us.. Some in awe and some in disgust that they brought two 'villians'. Humph. Off with there heads. "IT'S THE DAUGHTER OF THE EVIL QUEEN!!" One of them yells. "AND LOOK! IT'S THE DAUGHTER OF THE QUEEN OF HEARTS!!" One of them yells at the other. Tears stream down my face. I knew that coming here was a bad idea. "Just keep walking, Liz.. It's fine.." Daring smiles at me. I nod and wipe my eyes. Then, King Charming approches us. "You! Your mother is pure evil!! Sons! Why would you invite her?!" He asks, pointing at Raven. "And you! I have met your horrible mother once before! Your better not have brought her here!" He glares at me. "WELL SHE DIED SO YOU WON'T HAVE TO YOU JERK!! OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!" I yell and run away back to the carriage, crying. Daring follows me. He sits next to me in the driverless carriage. "Lizzie.. My dad is just a jerk, you were right. But please come back to the ball.." He says and holds my hand. "Fine.." I say and wipe my eyes. I re-do my makeup and we go back. Everyone glares at me. Some are with sympathy though. "Daring.. Please. I really want to leave." I whisper. "Okay Lizzie, let's make a deal.. You give me one dance with you, and then we can leave." He says. I sigh. "Please Lizzie?" "Why..?" I ask him. "I just.. really wanted to dance with you.. And, that's why I invited you here.. Please? Just one dance?" I blush. "Why me..?" I ask him with confusion. "Because you are special Liz.." He says. I blush. "Fine." I say. "But.. I don't know how to dance Ever After style." I say embarassed. "Just follow me." He smiles and we dance. After a while, I'm getting the hang of it. "Your a natural." He says and spins me. We continue dancing. "Thanks.." I say as he dips me along with the music. After a while he stops. "Okay Lizzie.. We can go." He says. "Okay.. I did have fun." I admit. He smiles and I do too. When we get home it's already 8:00. And for some odd reason I am fairy tired. "Where have you been Liz?" Maddie asks me. "Daring invited me to his family's ball." I blush and close the door. "Oooh! The rhymes of riddles play the tunes of fiddles!" She giggles. "Sorry Maddie.. I didn't get to much of that.. my riddlish is getting a but rusty." I say, undoing my hair and make-up. "Oh! Sorry.. I said: Oooh! Look's like somebody has a crush!!" She giggles. I blush. "I do not!" I say. Kitty and Maddie laugh. I go to the bathroom to change. I take off the gown and put on my red pajama top with gold designs on it. Then, my red pajama pants that have black hearts with the same gold designs too. I brush my teeth and flop on my bed. I soon fall asleep.

And when I dream, I dream of you all night..

I wake up 5 minutes later to hear a knock.

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