Chapter 18: Lost

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 Lizzie's POV:

-=-=-=-=3 DAYS LATER=-=-=-=-

I just heard the news.. The horrible news.. I heard it last night.. And I've been crying for hours in my room..

My memories play through my mind..

Everyone! They are missing!

Raven Queen failed to sign.. so they all disapeared!

Daring, Apple, Raven! Where are you?!

Everyone yells all those things.. It kills me inside, knowing that he is gone..

That is what happens when you don't follow your destiny Headmaster Grimm says.

I swear! It couldn't have been from that! Giles Grimm argued with him, I heard he is speaking english now and is living with the Headmaster.

I sob forever. Kitty sits next to me. "Don't worry.. It's fine.. Look! Maddie and I are rebels.. and we didn't disapear! They are probably just missing.." Kitty says. I know it's not true. "So I'm gonna lose you both too?!" I cry more. Maddie is crying too, because of Raven. Kitty was crying a bit.. but not a lot. 

Sometimes I feel lost..

Sometimes I feel confused..

Sometimes.... I cry.


Milton Grimm's POV:

"LET US GO!!" Raven yells. "Headmaster, Please!" Apple yells, crying. "No! I have trapped you in here for the safety of our school! Apple and Daring, I willl let you go sooner or later." I reply. "What about me?" Raven asks. "No! You are the one who started all this Raven Queen! Your lucky I haven't locked you in Mirror Prison like your mother!" I yell. She burts into tears. "I need to tell her.." Daring whispers. "WHO?!" I yell. Daring just glares. "Where are we anyways?" Raven asks. "If you MUST know, we are in the top floor of the school." I say annoyed. I have to go check on something, so I leave.

Apple's POV:

"How do we ecscape?" Raven asks in fear. I shake my head. "Trying to ecscape will be a fairy-fail!" I say through tears. "Unless.." Daring says. I give him a confused face. "We can use your birds!" Daring says. "That's a hexcellent idea!" Raven says. I start singing. A few birds fly through the window after opening it. I wonder how they opened it.. oh well. "Wait.. can we ecscape through the window?!" Raven asks. Daring looks down the window. "It's too high.. and no one will hear us.." He says. "Wait a spell!" Raven pulls out a small piece of paper, an orange marker, and pulls a shoelace off of Daring's sneaker. "What was that for?" He asks. "String!" She says. She starts writing a note. 

After she is done, I read it.

Dear student,

We are in great trouble! Please help!!!

Headmaster Grimm locked Daring, Apple, and I in the school attic..

He says that we disapeared just to scare you all into becoming royals.

Please find a way to save us.. Thankyou so much

-Raven Queen

We tie it to one of the birds. "Give this to the first student you see." I whisper ti the bird. It flies off with all the others.


We look down the window. I see Lizzie Hearts crying on a fountain's ledge next to Kitty. Kitty tries to comfort her. Maybe she was sad about all of us, thinking we went poof. And she went outside for a while? I don't know. But, the bird flies by her and she notices the note. She picks it up and reads it. I see her smile fairy wide and hug Kitty. Then I hear just a bit of her scream, "THEY'RE SAFE!!!" She yells. I'm suprised because we can't hear anything else that's outside. Everyone stares at her. She must have been fairy loud.


Daring's POV:

I see Lizzie.

She's coming for me.

She's coming..

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