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Applejack squeezed through the few tall guards who kept the crowd in place, as she tried to catch Rainbow Dash.
The way the rainbow haired girl ran off was fishy, and Applejack just wanted to make sure that she is okay. She sang few songs with fragile topic, it's normal to feel down after such a performance.

They're friends after all, right?

Applejack lost sign of the girl. She looked right and left, trying to spot a colorful streak of hair.
Then she remembered about the room they were in before.

She walked towards the room, hoping she would find the rainbow haired girl there. She pushed the door open and looked around the room. She spotted Rainbow Dash sitting on the small couch and strumming her guitar. The girl in question looked up and waved.


"Uh.." Applejack looked down and scratched her neck. "Well, you ran off  quickly and Ah got worried for ya so Ah came to check on you."

"Really," Rainbow Dash chuckled and patted the seat next to her. "Come here."

Applejack walked towards her and sat next to Rainbow Dash. She looked at the guitar, and then back to Rainbow Dash.

"Were ya playin' the guitar until Ah came?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Yea I did, but-"

"Well don't let me stop you! You can still play with me in here, unless you're uncomfortable."

"I'm not uncomfortable," Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes playfully and looked back at the guitar in her lap. "I was playing some unreleased stuff, which I wasn't planning on showing to anyone, but I guess you're an exception."

"Well, aren't Ah special." Applejack smirked, her bright eyes sparkling.

"Of course you are."

Rainbow Dash ran her fingers through the strings on the guitar as Applejack watched her. Beautiful melody came from the wooden craft as she leaned on the couch and listened to her friend.

Darling, since we've been broken
I've been ravaged and stolen
Baby, it hurts like crazy
I've been walking the same road
Don't know which way I'm going
Wasted, lost in a daydream

Applejack nodded her head to the rhynthm and looked at Rainbow Dash. She looked so cute when she's focused on playing.

Long gone, broken from now on
Long gone, been dead for so long

Rainbow Dash looked up at her friend and smiled. Applejack liked it.

I wanna burn in the fire of love, alright
I wanna burn in the fire of love tonight

She stopped playing, much to Applejack's disappointment.

"Why'd you stop?" Applejack asked and frowned.

"The rest of the lyrics aren't really finished and it would just be embarassing if I continued without knowing what I'm saying." Rainbow Dash replied and looked down.

"So it's not unreleased, just unfinished?"

"No, the rest of the song has lyrics, they just aren't perfected. I wanted to revamp the lyrics and release it after because I actually like the sound of the song, but I can't figure out new lyrics."

"Why would you change the lyrics?" Applejack curiously asked and scooted closer to Rainbow Dash, which Dash found cute.

"I don't really like singing or working on my old songs. I really want to move on, write  different music with completely different lyrics, and finally enjoy being a singer. But it's not what my fans like."

this is a love song for a girl, who'll never know it's about her Where stories live. Discover now