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She tapped her foot on the floor.
She leaned on the armchair.
She smiled to herself.

The song that was playing through her headphones ended and different one played. Her smile broke and she looked down at her phone. She took it in her hand and clicked on the previous song, and then clicked the loop button. She let the phone fall in her lap as she leaned on the armchair again, and smiled.

That's how Applejack spent her free time when she wasn't working, listening to Blue Ink. Hell, she even listened to music while she is working.


She never does it around her family members. She's scared that they might pay more attention to the lyrics and call her out for listening to 'sinner's' voice.

Well, she was more scared of her Granny than the rest of her family.

Week ago, when Sugar Belle came in her room to ask her how she's feeling, Applejack had to tell her. She can't lie to her. Not now at least.

She was scared, no, terrified. She never heard Sugar Belle mentioning gay people and her opinion on them, that's what mostly worried her.

Suprisingly, she was very supportive. She said that she's proud of Applejack for telling her something like this, and that she shouldn't be ashamed of that.

Sugar Belle also said, and Applejack quotes,
'I myself had one or two girlfriends back in highschool. It was wild times.'

Applejack's heart melted. She was more than happy that at least one of her family members is completely okay with this.

Well, so was Big Mac, except the 'you still haven't found the right guy' bullshit, but Sugar Belle promised that she'll talk to Mac about that.

She also told Twilight, her other best friend. Her, Rarity and of course Applejack were one group since highschool so it would be stupid to confess to only one of her friends and not the other. Like usual, she was scared but Rarity told her that it'll be fine. Applejack wasn't sure but all Rarity could say was 'You'll see'.

After telling Twilight, the girl in question was more than happy to know and told her that infact, Twilight herself was swinging both ways, and that she's currently talking with another gal.

Applejack felt awesome. So far, coming out wasn't all that bad at all, and she learned to confess only to the right people, and only when she's safe.


She closed her eyes.

And you know it's true.
You're no good 'til they're looking at you.
Bad front, I can see right through, yeah.

She mouthed the lyrics.

I can't stop judging everything you do
But I can't get enough of you.

Applejack's leg moved to the rhythm of the song. She wondered if the singer still has a girlfriend, or girlfriends, to write about. She thought that these are some very lucky girls, because they had a song about them, from talented and beautiful singer of course.

I sleep great knowing we will never be the same.
'Cause I'm downtown hanging out while you're in pain.
And I'm doing fine.

Okay, maybe not so lucky.

Even though you're still on my mind.
Train rides to the Upper West Side, yeah.


Suddenly, Applejack felt her phone vibrating. She opened her eyes and looked down at it before grabbing it. She saw a message from Rarity.


Rarity; Will you be free in an hour? Me and Twilight want to meet you and talk about something :)

Applejack raised an eyebrow. She decided not to question her now. Plus she needed to take a little break from home.

Applejack; Sure, just tell me where and I'll be there.

Rarity; The caffee us two met last week.

Applejack; Okay great,

She didn't wait for a response. She quickly got up and went to shower.


"Sorry for bein' late! 'Had little trouble with a dog owner on the way here. Apperantly, I was gettin' on it's way...On it's way t' what? Pee??" Applejack complained and then sat next to her friends.

"Nice to see you too darling." Rarity smiled while Twilight waved. They sat at small glass round table inside the caffee. After talking about how their week went and ordering coffee, Applejack wasted no time to ask,

"So, what didja call me for? You said you an' Twi wanted to talk 'bout somethin' with me."

"Oh! Yes, that," Rarity looked at Twilight "Darling, why don't you tell her."

"Wha- why-"

"Because it was you and your 'friend' who came up with this." Rarity wiggled her eyebrows a little while a blushing Twilight tried to hide her face. Applejack just stared at them, very confused about all of this.

"Come on Rarity, you very well know that you can tell her yourself, you're just trying to tease me now.." Twilight muttered while Rarity giggled.

"Calm down dear, a girl can't have a little fun?" Rarity looked at Applejack, smiling "So, you've been enjoying the music of that singer I showed you, right?."

Applejack nodded.

"What would you do if you met her?"


What's that supposed to mean?

Applejack raised an eyebrow and stared at her friend. She then signed.

"Just get straight to the point, I hate questions."

"Jesus, why is everyone not allowing me to have fun today?" She crossed her arms.


"OKAY FINE! So Twilight's friend is very close friends with Blue Ink, so they talked and agreed to meet you two!"


"What?? But why???" Was all that Applejack could say. "What's th' point of it? What would we even talk 'bout? Why would we talk?? Ah'm jus' another borin' fan out of her milions fans, what's the point of this??"

Her friends stared.

"But  Sunset, my friend, already talked with her and she agreed! What's the problem?" Twilight asked, frowning. She didn't expect her friend's reaction to be like that.

"Okay, great, but why?? 'gain, what would we even talk 'bout? She is famous, Ah'm literally nothin' compared to her!"

"Applejack!" Rarity called out. "Don't talk like that about yourself! We can't predict the future, neither can you, but you won't be alone! Her friends, and us, would be there. So there will always be something to talk about. Plus it would be amazing if you met the person who's helping you right now, yes? "

Applejack stayed quiet for a moment. Rarity was right.

Maybe she is overthinking it too much.

What could go wrong?

With a sign, Applejack replied,

"Fine, when and where?"

The song at the beginning is Upper West Side by King Princess

this is a love song for a girl, who'll never know it's about her Where stories live. Discover now