heather; bbh

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request: no
prompt: i wish i was heather
pronoun: she/her
*yes tommy is in this story, i love his personality so like pretends they're the same age or sum*

y/n snuggled into her best friend (and crush) hoodie, it smells like him. bad smiles as he noticed y/n stopped shivering. it worked.

y/n glanced at the time, 9:30 pm. "shoot! i gotta go, see ya bad!" she quickly gave him a hug before leaving.

the next day, bad met y/n at her locker. "hey, did you finish math?" y/n asked, making a conversation.

"yeah, you muffin. we did it together," bad giggled and y/n blushed. his giggles is the cutest thing ever.

"oh right," y/n laughed it off before noticing bad's distant look. he was staring at something. she followed his gaze and landed on heather.

she glanced up at bad, who was starstrucked by her. "bad, hey, we need to get to class."

it took bad a few moment to reply but he finally did. "right y/n, let's go." y/n sighed as she followed bad to their first hour. unfortunately, heather was also in that class.

the teacher walked in a few minutes after the bell rang, and started the lesson. he started talking about a project, and y/n glanced towards bad. they was alway partners.

but bad glanced toward heather who was glancing back. "go ahead and pick out your partners," the teacher spoke and bad walked over toward heather.

y/n sat there, her anxiety increasing. bad knew she has problems talking to people she doesn't know or is comfortable with, so why did he leave her?

then a tall, skinny white boy walked over to her, his blonde hair all over the place. "hey bitch, wanna be partners?" he asked and y/n nodded.

he took a seat at bad's usual seat. "i'm tommy, i noticed bad left you so ya know, fuck him."

y/n sighed, "i'm y/n, and don't worry about bad. he's just trying to make more friends, i guess."

tommy glanced over at the two, "more like trying to fuck her but okay, whatever you say dude. anyway, was you paying attention to the teacher? i didn't hear what we was supposed to do."

"what's new? we're supposed to present something about one of the presidents or whatever."

"can we do hamilton!" tommy exclaimed as y/n laughed, "yeah!"

then she glanced over to bad, who was looking at them, and she couldn't read his expression.

the bell rang, signaling the class was over and she walked over to her locker. tommy was following her, still talking about hamilton and how they should do the project.

then bad came over, "hey, y/n... and tommy."

tommy smirked, "hey bad, are you gonna fuck her?"

"language! and no! anyway, y/n, can i have my sweater back?"

y/n nodded, reaching in her locker and pulling out the black hoodie she borrowed the night before. "here, bad."

bad smiled, "thank y/n!" he ran over to heather before putting his arm around her, and y/n felt herself getting colder.

"ya know, i really hate heather. she think she's so perfect and such an angel, but really she's just a stuck up bitch," tommy ranted as y/n looked down toward the ground.

"tommy, you talk too much," y/n giggled as tommy mocked gasped in pain. "you're so rude! let's just go, y/n!" tommy grabbed her hand and pulled her towards his car.

"oh, we should totally go to a party tonight!" tommy exclaimed after jamming to the hamilton soundtrack.

y/n shook her head, "no, my anxiety could never."

tommy gave her the puppy dogs eyes till she gave in. "fine, but i need some clothes. i'll walk home."

tommy shook his head, "no! as your new best friend, i'm driving you!"

"o-oh okay!"

y/n walked into her room, and pulled out her black ripped jeans, some maroon crop top, and her slip on vans. she walked over to her mirror and put on her makeup. she was satisfied with how she looked ans ran over to tommy's car.

"dang girl, you look good!" tommy exclaimed as he started the car.

y/n laughed, "shut up!"

the two walked into the party, and y/n noticed heather and bad dancing in the middle of the room. tommy did too, and he whispered, "i thought he doesn't like parties."

"same, but i don't think he's drunk. whatever, let's go have fun."

tommy grabbed two drinks for the two of them, and y/n started drinking. she was a lightweight so it didn't take long for her to start getting tipsy.

tommy glanced over at the stumbling girl, and he grabbed her. "okay, i think it's time for you to stop. go sit down."

y/n stumbled toward the couch and slumped down. she felt someone sitting beside her, and she started rambling.

"ya know, i really hate bad. i had such a huge crush on him, but then heather came around and took him away from me. but i get it, he would never kiss me, i mean look at me! i'm not even half as pretty! he gave her his sweater. it's just polyester, but he like her better. i wish i was heather."

"okay y/n, i think it's time i take you home." the other person said, and y/n nodded.

"i can't deal with being here knowing bad is with her."

the other person took her home, and y/n fell asleep in her bed.

the next morning she woke up and glanced at her phone.

from bad🤍

hey i took you home last night, you was wasted.

btw you started rambling about how you hated heather and how i wouldn't kiss you bc you're not heather..

i would kiss you, i don't want heather.

i want you y/n.

-1021 words-


ahhh this is so so bad! i'm sorry! i've been in a bit of a writing slump, not knowing what to write about but at least i got something out!

btw before you guys say sum about tommy being in here even though he's a minor, one i'm 17 so i'm a minor too, two, he's was meant to be the best friend to help her through the situation.

ahah yeahhh sorry again for this bad chapter.

have a good day/night!! :D

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