-o- chapter seven -o-

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Third Person POV

Sapnap walks into the bathroom, tears still streaming down his face. He locks the door behind him.

He curls up into a ball, crying.

"He doesn't like you back, you're so pathetic, you don't deserve him." He mutters under his breath.


He looks in the mirror, cuts all over the top of his shoulder, his wrists, and in between his thighs.

"You pathetic roach, you should just end it all." It repeated in his mind.

Sapnap grabs a fresh razor-blade.

He knows it's wrong, he had been a week clean, but he had to do it.

One cut, two cuts, th-




The smaller boy yells, noticing the locked bathroom door. He puts his ear up against it.

He hears quiet cries from the bathroom, Sapnap not even noticing he had got back, the voices were too loud.

Karl pushed all his weight against the bathroom door, unlocking it.

He walks in, and stares at the curled up Sapnap, a shine that looks like a razor-blade, tissues covered in blood.

his eyes flood with tears, dropping to his knees, getting close to sapnap.


sapnap digged his head into Karl's shoulder.

"w-why?" karl asked him

"i-im s-sorry k-k-karl." sapnap broke down into tears, again.

Karl carefully grabs Sapnap's frail arm, blood dripping down his wrist.

he clenches sapnap's arm to his chest, not caring about the blood staining his shirt, it'll come out.

"p-pl-please talk to me instead of d-doing that again s-sapnap."

"i-im s-sorry." sapnap says again.

karl wraps sapnap in a long embrace.

"y-y-you're too special to me, i c-cant l-loose you S-sapnap."

sapnap clenched karl's shirt with his hand tighter.

Karl brushes his fingers against Sapnap's face, admiring his features.

He was a pretty crier, even though Karl hated when Sapnap was upset.

Sapnap was still in tears.

But he felt safe.

He wants to stay in Karl's arms forever.

Karl stood up, and picked up the red faced Sapnap.

Sapnap wrapped his legs around Karl's waist. Karl grabbed some bandage wrap. He took Sapnap's wrist, he ran the cuts under cold water, washing them with soap. A little whimper came from Sapnap.

"it's okay sapnap." karl reassured him.

Karl wrapped the boy's arm with bandage wrap. He took out a sharpie and wrote on it. "This is MY SappyNappy, don't touch him. - Karl" on Sapnap's bandage.

Sapnap stared at the words.

It reassured him.

Karl helped Sapnap change, he got him into some comfy clothes, then Karl did too. Sapnap was wearing a white soft shirt with some sweat pants, Karl wore a plaid white and gray shirt with some shorts.

Karl carried Sapnap again to his bed. He put him under the covers and tucked Sapnap in. He then grabbed a cup of water for Sapnap.

"I'll sit right here with you, SappyNappy."

"I won't leave your side until YOU know you're okay."

Karl laid next to the taller boy. Sapnap rested his head on Karl's chest.

Karl plays with Sapnap's brown hair.

Sapnap's face turns red.

He feels loved, he feels safe.

Didn't he just meet this guy, like yesterday?

"Sappynappy, I'm gonna go take our clothes to the laundry if that's okay! you can come with me!"

"Please can I come with you? I don't trust myself being alone anymore." Sapnap stares down at his bandaged arm. Repeating the words on it in his head again.

"Of course!" Karl picks Sapnap up out of his bed.

"You don't have to carry me i'm not a ch-"

"Alright fine." Sapnap interrupts himself.

Karl smiles as he carries Sapnap out of the room, down the hallway to the laundry room.

Chandler was walking to the pool as they walked down, he turns back and sees Karl carrying Sapnap, he snaps a picture and tweets it, @ing Karl and Sapnap.

Karl puts the laundry in the washing machine and turns it on, then walking back to the room, Sapnap still in his arms.

Karl rests the worn out Sapnap back in his bed, tucking him in again.

"Sappynappy, I think you should go to sleep for a little bit, you seem tired." Karl said as sapnap yawned.

Sapnap rested his head on his pillow, dozing off to sleep in a matter of seconds.

Karl goes and turns on the light of the bathroom, throwing away the bloody razor-blade and cleaning up the bathroom. He then goes and lies next to Sapnap, rubbing his back.

Karl feels safe when he's around this boy.

He promises to himself to take him wherever he goes.

He doesn't want to find Sapnap like that again.

He only met Sapnap yesterday.

But he's already the person that means most to him.

Karl, laying next to sapnap, he falls asleep immediately.

word count: 833

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