-o- chapter eight -o-

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Third Person POV

A muffled crying noise awakes Sapnap. He notices Karl, sitting up in bed, crying.

"d-d-don't l-leave me s-s-sapnap! karl whines.


karl is having a nightmare.

sapnap immediately sits up, wrapping his arms around the boy.


"it's okay karl, I'm right here."

"s-s-sapnap?! y-you're o-okay?"

"i am karl, it's okay."

"you were having a nightmare, karl." Sapnap grabs Karl's face.

Karl lays his head on Sapnap's shoulder.

Sapnap grabs his phone from the bedside table, checking his Twitter mentions like always. He notices Chandler mentioned him in a tweet. He clicks on the post, only to see a shorter male carrying the weak Sapnap to the laundry. He saves the photo, not even embarrased at all. He then goes through his mentions, smiling at all the fanart of that photo, and even more of just him and Karl.

He grabs his phone, and takes a picture of the sleeping Karl with his head now on Sapnap's chest. He then ruffles the boy's hair, again. Twirling it with his fingers. he checks the time. 2:30 in the morning.

He looks back down at the deep asleep boy.

He kisses the boy's head, unconsciously.

Sapnap takes a deep breath. He takes the boy into his arms, softly rocking him back and forth.

Sapnap rubs his finger against his lip.

He's safe, sitting right here, cradling the boy of his dreams.

He starts to tear up again.

"But does he really deserve this perfect human?" A voice far inside his head asks.

He looks down at his bandage.

"yes, yes he does."

Sapnap then picks up his phone again, he goes on YouTube.

He finds a video that catches his eye.

"Kill The Director by The Wombats, cover by NeveJenny."

Sapnap connects his AirPods, and listens to the song, still cradling Karl.

A few lyrics catch his eye.

"I've met someone that makes me feel seasick."
"Oh, what a skill to have, oh, what a skill.
"To have so many skills that make him distinctive."
"But they're not mine to have, no, they're not mine"

"Whenever he looks I read the nearest paper."
"Though i don't care about the soaps"
"No i don't care about the soaps"

sapnap then starts humming the tune to karl.

he doesn't feel lucky enough to have this boy.

he wonders what would've happened if he didn't meet him.

or if sapnap didn't even come at all.

it's only day 3 at sail.

how is this happening to him?"

how does he feel like this so early?

He checks the date.

He has 4 days left until they sail off to Hawaii.

Sapnap starts planning what he wants to do with Karl there.

He also wants to get closer friends with Karl's friends.

He knows it will make Karl happy.

Sapnap lays Karl back on his chest, he then drifts off to sleep for a little bit.

- timeskip -

Sapnap is awoken by Karl, messing around with Sapnap's hair, giggling.

"good morning, karl!" Sapnap puts his hand on Karl's back, scaring him a little bit at the contact.

"It's okay Karl, it's just me." Sapnap rubbed the boy's back a little bit.

"Good morning SappyNappy!" Karl smiles.

"What do you wanna do today?" Sapnap asks Karl.

"Maybe can I meet some of your friends?" Karl replies.

"Sure! So, do you wanna meet George and Dream?"

"Yeah! I'd love to get to know them!" Karl digs his head into Sapnap's shoulder.


Karl climbs off Sapnap, he grabs clothes and goes into the bathroom to change.

Sapnap gets out of bed, he grabs a white Nike shirt and some shorts. He puts the clothes on, and waits for Karl to finish changing, in the mean time, he texts Dream.

"Heya Dream. Wondering if we could come over to your room, Karl wants to get to know you."

homie dream:
"sure, me and George are just chilling."

"Alright sounds well."

Karl walks out of the bathroom, Sapnap notices right away what he's wearing.

Karl had gotten into Sapnap's clothes, and took his merch t-shirt he had, the shirt was a bit oversized.

"Sapnap! Look what I have on!" Karl giggled.

Sapnap sat there in awe.

"cute." he muttered under his breath.

He seemed to realize everything Karl did or wore was adorable on him.

His T-Shirt looked better on Karl than it did on Sapnap.

Sapnap sits on his bed, looking up at the boy. He gets lost in his eyes, like he always does.

"Sapnap? Are you ready to go?" Karl says excitedly, leading Sapnap back into reality.

"Yeah." Sapnap grabs his room key and the two walk out the door.

word count w/o a/n: 800


Hello! I don't really have much to say, but tysm for almost 500 reads! It means alot to me! Have an amazing day/night! <3

Word count w/ A/N: 833

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