Part 1

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We were riding a horse down a desolate road. Winds started to pick up. Rain began to pour. I noticed trees shifting where they look like they'd fall out ahead of us. I pointed to them. The nameless girl behind me, gets off the horse, tells me to turn it around and have the horse hop the fence at the end of the corral. "It's the lowest point of the fence." she yells over the gusting winds, "She'll be able to make it easily." I watch as she climbs the fence between the trees next to us, before spinning the horse around and heading to the place she pointed me to. The horse easily makes the jump. I meet with the girl near a well in the yard and dismount the beautiful mare. The storm around us takes my breath away. Literally. Then it dissipated. The sun is shining, like nothing just happened moments ago. The two of us stand and walk up the expanse of her yard. Next thing I know we are standing next to what looks like a sleek newer model mustang.

She must be in America.

She looks at me timidly. Neither of us saying a word. I notice she is only a couple inches shorter than me. We've only ever met while sitting in the past. She quickly leans up and leaves a soft kiss on my cheek. I can see a blush rise to hers as I can feel the heat chase the feeling of her lips onto my own cheeks. She suddenly walks away, opening the gate to her long driveway. I quickly hop in the car and drive to where she is standing. I don't know what comes over me at this point because I get out of the car and find myself standing in front of her. Staring into these beautiful green orbs. She just blinks at me, not losing eye contact. I lean in and kiss her fully on her pillowy lips. It felt like neither of us wanted it to end but when it does, she's just standing there, biting her lip. I can see her shyness returning through the abyss of green that once again captures my attention. Then I wake up. A huge smile plastered on my face. It felt so real. I can still feel her lips on mine. Every time we meet, it always feels so real. I have to find her, but how?

"Okay. Okay. So tell me exactly what you remember." Jimin states as he paces the dark wood floors of our living room.

"Can you please stop walking around like that? You are going to make me dizzy."

"Listen, Tae, you know what this means, right?" I just stare at Jimin, blankly. I do know what it could be. I just dont think it is. Not yet. It can't be. "This is, what? 5, 6 times you have dreamed about this girl? We have to find her. She is obviously your soulmate."

"I don't know, Jimin. It could just be a coincidence. It's only the third dream I remember about her and I don't even remember anything about her. Except her eyes."

Now it's Jimin's turn to stare at me with a blank expression. "Um, hello! Did you not pay attention at all growing up? The eyes. The windows to the soul. Soulmates?"

"Of course I remember all that but it's just stories, Jimin. Noone ever actually finds their soulmate. Not like that at least."

I can tell that Jimin is getting annoyed with me, as he scoffs really loud and narrows his eyes at me.

"Okay. Fine. You win. Whatever." Jimin rolls his eyes dramatically in my direction. "Will you just humour me then?"

If it weren't for the fact that I love my best friend and group member, I wouldn't fall for his charms so easily but I am powerless whenever he bats his eye lashes at me and gives me that adorable pout. I am sure our fans would be screaming or fainting at this. I sigh deeply, "Fine. Fine. I remember her deep green eyes." Jimin widens his eyes at me, encouraging me to go into more detail. "Um, okay, yeah, obviously I remember her eyes." I sit stock still trying to remember more details of this dream. I close my eyes. Trying to feel the wind whipping around us, feel the rain soaking my skin. My eyes shoot open causing Jimin to jolt backwards a little. He was apparently leaning into me while I thought. "The horse! She has a horse!"

"YAY! See how easy that was Taehyungie?" Jimin states sarcastically and he giggles a bit. "Okay, now bring yourself back to that moment you remembered the horse. What do you remember about it?"

I, again, close my eyes. I feel the wind, the rain but now I can feel the hair from the horse's mane under my hand. "It's brown. Female, I think. She's a beautiful horse." I keep my eyes closed. Watching as a blurred figure walks away from me creeping through some trees and climbing a fence. "A fence. There is a fence. The horse that I am on is about to jump it."

That's right, I was on the horse. Was the girl on it with me? I-I can't remember.

"You're doing great, Tae. What else do you remember?"

I don't open my eyes. I keep concentrating on the blurred figure in front of me, the horse below me. "A barn? Maybe? I think it's a barn. It kind of looks blurred but it looks too large to be a shed. Gray in color. Black roof. Old. Worn. I don't know. The details aren't coming in clear."

"That's fine, Tae. You are doing really good." I hear Jimin's voice again. "What else?"

"She is crouched down by some built up rocks. They are in a circle. It's a-uh, um, what's that thing they used to get water from?"

"A well?"

"Yes! Yes, it's a well." I smile at myself. I am doing better than I thought I would because to be honest, I thought this was the dumbest idea in the world, but that's Jimin for ya. He never stops surprising me. "The weather changed really fast. It's sunny now and warm. We are walking up a large yard. There is a car there. We are standing face to face. All I see are her eyes though. I can't see her."

"You aren't supposed to see her Tae." Jimin's voice comes out sounding like it's mocking me, "That's how this works. Your soulmate remains a secret until you meet. You kn-"

I abruptly cut him off as a flash of a shared kiss comes to my mind. I do not want to share that information with him. "How am I supposed to know it's her then, huh? This is ridiculous." I get up from my seat, walking away from Jimin and this craziness, hoping he doesn't see the blush that I know is creeping up my face. "This is so pointless. I'll never find her."

"That's what you think, Kim Taehyung!" I hear Jimin yell from behind me. I head to my room, flopping on my bed, trying to rid myself of thoughts of a true, honest to goodness soulmate. While laying there trying to clear my mind, I decided to open Twitter to see what our fans are up to.

 While laying there trying to clear my mind, I decided to open Twitter to see what our fans are up to

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"What is this fool up to?"

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