Part 7

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This is really turning out to be the longest twenty-four hours of my life. Jimin really seems to think that this will get us narrowed down to the final few. I am still very skeptical about it but I am just going to have to trust him. I have my obvious doubts that this will work. I mean, up until recently I thought it was just fairytales that our parents told us so that we would never marry off too fast because we would be sitting around and waiting for our soulmates. Part of me still wonders this, to be honest but I have to trust him.

I don't know if she lives on a ranch or even a farm. I know she had a horse. I know she had a house. I know there was a well. I know she had a fence and a long driveway with a gate. I just don't remember any sign.

It took me a few minutes to understand what Jimin meant when he mentioned the American actress Sharon Stone. It's a last name. Duh! It hit me like a brick straight up to the side of my head. Stone could be her last name but I'm still not so sure that the last name is going to get us very far.

I can't seem to concentrate today. The producers are getting annoyed with me but I just can't seem to stop thinking of all the possibilities. I know I said I was giving up last night but when Jimin made me understand it was a last name, my mind just started to explode.

I really just want to go back to the dorm and grab a shower so I can sit on my bed thinking until the final hours arrive. I need to be alone with my thoughts right now and having my choreographer and Hobi in my face, is working on my last nerve.


The warm morning sun blasts through my window. I pull the covers up further over my head allowing myself to yawn loudly before humming in satisfaction.

I must have fallen asleep waiting for Jimin to come get me last night. I guess it wasn't as successful as he was hoping or I am sure he would have burst through my door to get me.

I pout at my own thoughts and roll around in the bed trying to get comfortable again.

I'll just sleep until we have to leave. I really give up this time. Done. Finished. No more!

Just as I was falling asleep Yoongi, comes into the room to tell me I need to get up and get something to eat before we leave. That today was going to be a long day. I really don't want to eat. I have no appetite. Never-the-less, I drag myself out from the security of my bed and over to grab some clothes for the day. I drag my heels to the bathroom to wash up then slowly get dressed, hoping I am wasting enough time before the guys are ready to go.

When I get to the kitchen, I see the guys are in the living room as usual so we can go over our schedule for the day. Jungkook comes over handing me a banana and a warm cup of tea, "Here, Tae. Drink this and make sure to eat. We don't want you to be hungry today. You'll need it." I just look at our maknae a bit perplexed.

Okay? That was a little odd.

I do, however, decide to peel the banana back when I take my usual seat on the couch and begin to chow down on it. After a few minutes of chewing, I realize the guys are really quiet, so I look up at them, my mouth hanging open slightly. "What?"

Jimin drops a large envelope in front of me and I get worried. I know I have been slacking a little and I am now a bundle of nerves thinking that my ass is in deep trouble.

I swallow the rest of the banana as fast as I can and wipe my hands on Jungkook's lap.

Serves him right. He should have gotten me a napkin.

The look on his face is worth the beating I will most likely get from him later. "Tae!" he whines out, "This is my favorite pair of pants."

I'll admit it. I laughed. I laughed hard, actually. Until Namjoon cleared his throat. When my gaze meets his eyes, he points his chin at the envelope in front of me that I am dreading to open.

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