Part 2

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She's here. I can see her eyes piercing though the shadows in the corner of the cafe. She sits in my favorite spot. I like it there because it is dark and I can drink my hot chocolate while I watch the people come and go both in the cafe and out on the streets. I order my hot drink and stand to the side waiting for it to be ready for me. As hard as I try, I can't help but to look back at her. Her eyes are practically glowing, reeling me into her. Once my drink is in my hand, I walk directly to her table. My table. She doesn't stand. She barely even recognizes I am standing there. I find myself sliding into the booth across from her. My back is to the crowd, not exactly the way I prefer to sit but for her, I feel I will do anything, as long as it is for her and her alone.

"Hello," I chime out after clearing my throat. She lifts her eyes. Those beautiful green seas of hope, and she looks at me.

"Oh. Hi! You finally made it-"

A huge bang shakes me to the core. "SHIT!" I scream out. I must have fallen asleep while trying to figure out exactly what Jimin's end game was with this thing he is doing with ARMY. She was right there. I saw her.

Damn it, Taehyung! Think! What did she look like?

I run my fingers through my hair as I sit up on my bed. I can't help but curse at myself for not being able to remember anything.

I honestly don't know how long I sat there, searching the depths of my memory for anything that I can remember about her, when I finally decided to give up.

It's a lost cause.

I sigh long and hard and I stand up giving my body a good stretch before heading out of my room and down towards the kitchen.

"Oh. Hey! Look. You finally made it." Now, I know it was Namjoon that said it. I saw his lips moving. I saw him say the words, but why am I hearing it bounce around in my skull in the voice of a woman? Not any woman. Her. Was it really her voice? Am I just losing my mind?

What the hell is wrong with you, Taehyung?! Snap out of it, man!

Jimin eyes me as I stand frozen in the middle of the room. "Hey, Tae? You okay? You don't look so good." It's obvious he is worried. It's written all over his face, but I can't respond. I'm still in shock. I'm still trying to figure out if this could really be her voice and if it is, then why can I remember it? Why does it sound so close? So clear? "Come on, Tae. Let's go to your room. I think you need to lay down."

"Lay down. Yeah. Maybe I just need, yeah. Let's do that." It's the only thing I can seem to mutter out in a reply. I don't want the voice in my head to go away. I want to listen to it on repeat for as long as possible, so I say nothing more as Jimin turns me around and guides me back to my bed.

"Okay. We are alone now, Tae. Tell me wh-"

"Shhhhhhhhh," I interrupt him. If I wasn't so concentrated on the voice that continues to echo out in my head, I would have probably laughed at the dumbfounded look on Jimin's face but I hardly even took notice of it, instead, I just closed my eyes.

"What the f-"

"Shhhhhhhh" I hush him once again.

With a huff, Jimin gets up and leaves my room. I listen to his footsteps quietly descend across my carpeted floor before opening my eyes and grabbing my phone. Quickly, I unlock my screen and open my internet browser. I type out the words, 'Soulmate Korean belief' and scan through the list of choices that come up. When I find the one that looks most promising, I begin to read through the article so that I can refresh myself on the stories I was told as a child.

Maybe there really is something to this after all.

Once again, I sit on my bed, lost in thought. According to everything I just read, Soulmates are connected through something called DreamFasting. I remember hearing about this once before but that was in an old Jim Henson film called The Dark Crystal. This isn't that, though. In the movie the creatures known as Gelfling share memories. In a dreamfast, memories are communicated to each other in a sort of stream of consciousness, a telepathic memory montage, so to speak. This is definitely not what I am experiencing because I have never even met this girl. So I continued in my research finding out that it is believed in Korean culture, that soulmates meet in their dreams before they ever meet in person and that's even IF they meet in person. Since it has only been written that the soulmates (if they have never met before the dreamfasting) only ever remember their eyes. Upon meeting for the first time, when they gaze into their soulmates eyes, they will see all that they have shared before in their dreams. Faces, places, conversations. Every little detail will come back like a true memory that only the two involved would ever have shared.

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