Part 3

25 5 2

"So, now we wait." Jimin smiles at me.

"24 hours? Seriously? That feels like forever."

"Yes. 24 hour. What if she really is in the United States, Tae. She would be sleeping right now. We can't let her miss her chance to post just because we are impatient."

"God, Jimin. You really do have the patience of a saint. Don't you?"

"Just call me Saint Jiminie." Jimin bursts out into laughter. I can't help but join him in this moment. He truly is the best friend anyone could ask for and if he happens to really narrow it down so that I can meet the one that is fated for me, I will owe him a kidney or something.

It's been 22 hours. 22 very long and excruciating hours. Jimin finally came to find me and as we discussed yesterday, we are going to start weeding out the wrong horses or barns. This process seems to move much faster than the one from yesterday. Red barns? Out. 2-story barns? Out. Really long barns? Out. Dark brown horses? Out. Spotted horses? Out. Though this was easy enough, I was starting to feel my hopes that this would work, dwindle down. There weren't many that fit the criteria but 24 hours wasn't quite up yet.

Lets just hope she is late.

Now that there are only about 15 minutes left, we watch for any new pictures to pop up in the chat. We've narrowed the search to approximately 10,000 people. Give or take a few hundred.

"We need more information, Tae. What else can we ask for pictures of? Maybe the fence? What do you think?" My best friend in all the world turns to me.

"I-I, um, I don't know. I guess we could try the fence?" I give him my best confused face. It's honestly the only look I can muster at this point.

"Can you remember any other dreams you saw her in?"

Well, that's a really good question. Hmmmm. Can I remember anything else?

"I can remember bits and pieces of the one where we were one top of Achasan. I remember telling her about the time I went there to watch the sunrise as a punishment with Namjoon and how Jin got up early to make us food for our trip."

"Really?!" Jimin chimed, excited, "What else can you remember about that? Quick. Quick. Close your eyes. Set the sight in your mind. Speak to me."

I can help but chuckle as I do what Jimin asked of me. Closing my eyes, I see myself sitting across from her. She is nothing but a blur. All I can see are those eyes. Once again, they sparkle an emerald green. I want to get lost in them. They are so clear. I force myself to think past her eyes. I feel the sun from the day we were there. I feel the slight breeze from being so high up. I wonder if we walked here together, or if we happen to just meet. I don't remember the trip to the peak, only sitting beside her, feeling like I was surrounded in the comforts of home.

Home? Would she be my home? Could she be? Stop! Concentrate!

The breeze.

Yes. I can feel it.

I look around her, looking for anything that might help me figure out who she is. She has a bag with her. A backpack, by the looks of it. It's black. Nothing really special about it.

Wait. What's that? Is that a pin on the pocket?

I can't get a very good look at it.

I guess zoom-in isn't a thing when you are only thinking back to dreams. Hmmmmm. What could it be?

"Tae? Taehyung? Are you sleeping?"

"Huh? No! I'm concentrating. Shhhh. I am trying to figure out what is on her back."

"She had a bag with her? Okay. Good. That will help. What does it look like?'

"It's black, Jimin. A basic black backpack."

"Oh. Yeah no help. Okay what does the thing on her bag look like?"

"I don't know. It, hmmmm"

"I don't know, does not help, Tae!"

"Oh shut up. I obviously know that." I roll my eyes at Jimin, even with my eyes closed, I am sure he could tell because I heard him huff at me. "I think it's a pin of some kind. Vertically long. Pink or light purple." I give up and open my eyes.

"Wait! Why did you open your eyes?" Jimin looks at me, befuddled, "We were so close to a breakthrough." He whines out.

"No, Jimin. We were most certainly not close to any kind of breakthrough." I shake my head at him. "The more I tried to focus on it the more blurred it became. I think thats the best we can get from this one. Sorry, man."

"It's okay, Tae. I got this." and with that said, he took out his phone once again and showed me the newest chat.

" and with that said, he took out his phone once again and showed me the newest chat

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