Part 6

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It's been just over a week since the last time I dreamt of her. Everyday Jimin and I would sit together and go over details about my dreams, little by little looking for any new details. After the camera quiz, Jimin narrowed it down to just about six hundred people. The results were amazing. Unfortunately, since then the process has become a little more difficult as the details haven't really been very helpful. It would be so much easier if I could just ask everyone, 'Hey, have you ever had a dream about this or that?' but I know not everyone out there is honest. Sadly.

I'm not going to lie. I am starting to get discouraged. Granted we were able to narrow it down to a few states in America and we really have only a handful of people left if we really think about where we started in all this. But still... I can't help this feeling of despair.

With a heavy heart I turn off the lights and drag myself to my bed. I climb under the covers and do my best not to think about it any more for tonight. I run though the new choreography we learned, in my head. Trying to see myself in the mirror Watching every step. Eventually succumbing to a well needed sleep.


The sign ahead of me reads Jeju Island. I'm slouched down slightly in the driver's seat, my fingers intertwined with hers. The windows are down, wind is wiping our hair wildly. I glance over to the woman by my side but I can't see her eyes. She has sunglasses on but her smile is contagious. I roll my eyes as she cranks up the radio when our song Fire comes on. The bass is hitting almost as hard as my heart pounds against my ribcage. If it were possible to love someone you have never met, I would honestly think that this is what that feeling is. Every time I see her, I spend my time smiling, laughing and just being me. She always seems to accept how strange and crazy I am.

If I find her, will she accept all my quirks? Will she love me the way that I want to be able to love her? Will she be able to handle being in the spotlight? ARMY?

ARMY. That thought begins to reverberate in my head as I park the car. I hear the passenger side door close but I continue to stare at the sea in front of me.

ARMY. They are the sea to me. A vast body of water that I can always count on to wash away my worries.

ARMY. The wind that blows my fears away in a flurry, so I can smile.

ARMY. The heart and soul of what we do everyday. What I do everyday.

A knock on my window pulls me from my thoughts and I am met with a beautiful sight in itself. I smile brightly at her and turn the car off, opening the door to join her.

We spend the day walking along the sand hand in hand. We swim, We laugh. We talk. We kiss. It's the perfect day. I don't want this moment to ever end.

It's when we are standing at the water's edge looking out at the waves just before sunset, with me placed behind her. Her back pressed against mine, my arms wrapped around her, holding her as close to me as I possibly can, that I remember something. Something so important that I can't believe I have never asked her before.

I lean into her ear and whisper out the question I need to have an answer to, "What's your name?"

I hear her laugh. She looks over her shoulder and answers me just as the warm breeze we were just enjoying blows in a harsh gust. I cant hear her answer. So I turn her to me and ask again, chuckling a little.

Again she answers me but I can't hear her as now it seems we might be expecting some kind of storm. With every attempt she makes, her voice is carried far beyond my ears. I cant hear her. No matter how close I am. No matter how loud she appears to be yelling. All my ears pick up is the roaring whirlwind.

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