Chapter 4:The Wedding

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Clary's pov
I was all sweaty when i got out of the stimulation so I went to go take a shower. Little did I know that Jace was going to walk in on me while I was showering. I kinda jumped when he walked in untill i saw im naked. I felt kinda akward at firts but then he hopped in the shower with me and we started making out. It was such a weird kiss because we were both wet and the kiss was vary wet. I honestly thought it was fun. When we were taking the shower it went on for about an hour or so. Right nex to the bathroom we were in was Izzys room. All I could hear whi;e kissing Jace in the shower was Izzy moaning. I swear Simon was giving her what she wanted before the wedding.Me and Jace had a little bet that if Izzy was not a vergin during her wedding then I would have to marry him.I guess I'm going to have to marry Jace now. I actually wated to mary him though. I'm pretty happy that the bet worked out now.

So we got out and dressed and headed down to breakfast and we both decided to confront Izzy about our little bet. Izzy tried to say that she was still one but we all knew that she was not one anymore.Later on she finally said that she was not one anymore. I was vary happy when she confessed. I told Jace though that if the bet did work out that i would not marry him unless he actually proposed to me. So the date when he will do it is no where in my brain because he never told me when or how he is going to do it.Honestly im really excited for it.

As Izzy is getting her wedding dress on i am gettin my Miad Of Honer dress on.I think Izzy has some really interesting taste because my dress is almost like the dress she made me wear to Magnus's party. I felt vary uncomfortable because I had just found out that I had become a Shadowhunter and my life had just changed compleatly. I had no clue who she was even and when I was sharing clothes with her, it was way too akward. Now I feel a tiny bit more comfortable in the dress because she said " The dress is a symbole of the first piece of clothing you had ever worn as a Shadwohunter." I totaly thought that she had lost her mind but here I am wearing the same dress that I first wore as a Shadowhunter. I think I have grown into it more now.

As I watch Izzy walk down the isle with her dad, I am standing by Jace and Maia is standing by Jordan. It was really cute because when I was walking down the isle with Jace, he said to me the exact same thing he told me when he first saw me in that dress. He said " I think you look great." and I about started to cry as I walked down with him. And as always Alec saw me in the dress and he said the same thing he said to me two years ago. He said " I think you'r number should be on a bathroom wall." I started laughing at him because he was standing next to me and Jace. The wedding was nice and all but I kinda didnt hear most of it because I was too busy looking at Jace in his black tux.

At the reception, everyone made their rounds to different tables and everyone of the wedding party made their speeches about Izzy and Simlon. the wedding was pretty much the same as a Mundane wedding but the only thing that was different was that there was no rings used and the put runes on each other instead. I really liked the wedding and I cant wait for my own. The wedding had some pretty good food too. The drinks were amazing and the whole thing was wonderful. I hope me and Jace's wedding is as awesome as this.

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