Phoenixa | CH 1

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Feathers which seemed like it had been born from a fire

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Feathers which seemed like it had been born from a fire. The colors of vibrant red, orange, yellow and blue were the preferred ones when used to portrait the Phoenix. The Phoenix was said to be the protector. The guardian. The shield of the Dragons. It had only purpose. To protect the people it adored.

It didn't matter if the people to whom they were loyal to would betray them. It didn't matter if it was hated. Whenever it was called for or sensed that its loved ones or innocents were in danger then it would appear to protect them. Such was the loyalty of the Phoenix.

But beware. Do not think of its loyalty as weakness. The bond it shares with hearts of people is what gives it its sense of strong mind. How ironic it was. How pitiful it was.

The Phoenix, the protector of all was hated by so many yet loved by so little.

"Why do you like the story of the Phoenix so much Verena?" Phoenixa asked the ten year old girl

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"Why do you like the story of the Phoenix so much Verena?" Phoenixa asked the ten year old girl.

Phoenixa had saved Verena from the snow as she bled out around seven years before. She had since been the guardian and sole caretaker of the young girl. However, Phoenixa never showered her with less love than her own mother would. Infact she treated the brown eyed girl like her own offspring. She would help wash her hair, do intricate designs with her hair: something that Verena had picked up from her adopted parent.

"I think that the Phoenix is really amazing and I look up to it." Verena said with her big brown eyes as Phoenixa braided her black locks. The locks of black hair now reached just below her shoulders. It used to be longer, touching her waist but the petite girl had requested the older woman to cut it at it's current length, stating that the longer length interfered with her training.

"Amazing? How so?" Phoenixa asked with her bright blue eyes which seemed to have a swirl of golden in them.

"To be able to protect others even though it was hated, even though it was tainted so much, is really amazing. To have such kindness even after so much brutality is something that is admirable. But I think that the Phoenix..." She trailed off, the older woman looked at her in question as Verena turned back slightly as she had a sad smile.

"Was just lonely."

Phoenixa was surprised. No one had ever something like that about the Phoenix. Everyone always either thought that it deserved the hate or pities it. Bit this girl. A young, ten year old girl who barely knew of the Phoenix or even its horrendous deeds said that it was lonely. Phoenixa smiled as she realised that she had found the right vessel.

The person who would be able to guide this kingdom while protecting it's people could only be done by Verena. But Phoenixa wouldn't force her. She would give her the choice to do it or not. She wanted to make sure that it was the young girl who got the only say in her life.

"Say Verena, would you ever like to be the vessel of the Phoenix?" Phoenixa asked and Verena jumped up as she looked at Phoenixa excitingly, glint in her brown eyes.


"Even if you suffer all that pain and hardship?" Phoenixa asked with soft eyes.

"Say Phoenixa," The older woman looked at the girl and widened her eyes as the younger girl smiled.

"You are the Phoenix from the Legend aren't you?"

"How did you...?" Phoenixa was shocked. How did this thirteen year old young girl figure out her secret?

"I may look like I'm dumb but I'm not Pheonixa. Your eyes and hair gave away when you used to speak those stories, then it was how your eyes brightened up talking about the dragons and what you asked me now confirmed my suspicion." She said

That was the day that Phoenixa realised that she truly had chosen the right vessel for her inheritance. Verena was more than just a daughter to her, she was her world. This little girl that gave her happiness that she imagined she would find.

"Alright then."

With that Verena found herself in a void. It was ranging from different hues of blue to red to orange. Infront of her was the legendary Pheonix from the myths.

Soft, silk looking feathers which extended so far and wide that she could almost see the beautiful, intricate details of each feather. The wings were red, blue and mixtures of orange and yellow. The body was large yet majestic. The aura of the mythic creature was warm. A motherly aura that seemed to engulf you in happiness. Verena smiled as the Pheonix spoke.

"Verena, I bestow upon you the powers, strengths, courage, bravery of the Pheonix. I bestow upon you the Phoenix's blood and spirit. Use these powers to protect the weak and help them be happy. Never back down from your pain instead use it to become your strength. Verena, from today onwards, you shall be know as Lady Verena, The Second Shield of the Ouryuu and the Dragons of the Legend."

A bright red and blue light shone around the young girls body as her feet lifted from the ground. She closed her eyes as she felt a power surge within her, her hair floating around her as she felt her veins fill with power and the blood within her body boiling. Her once dull black hair was now a smoother texture with a softness to them. As her feet touched the ground she opened her eyes revealing red instead of her once brown eyes.

"From today onwards, you are longer the person you were before. Become strong so that no one can call you weak. Use your strength to defeat the evil. But most of all, take your fate by your hands and decide for yourself."

With that, the The Second Shield of the Ouryuu and the Dragons of the Legend, Lady Verena, the Phoenix, had come into existence.

This is the story of the side of history that seemed to have never been found out. The side of history that had totally been missed out on. The story of the most bravest and fiercest of men and woman in the history of Kouka. The founders, the soldiers and the myths of Kouka. This is the story of a Oath long forgotten by humans but not her.

Not the Phoenix.

For that is the price

Just like I promised darlings, Blood Oath is here and the continuation of Blood Wounds begin here

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Just like I promised darlings, Blood Oath is here and the continuation of Blood Wounds begin here.

If you are new here then welcome Darling! This is the continuation of my book Blood Wounds, so I suggest reading that first before this one.

Anyways let us embark on yet another journey.
-Natalia A.

Date: 02/01/2021

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