Chapter 5

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hawks flew high soaring through the blue sky with the fluffy clouds that he passes by his mind is only thinking of one thing. y/n.

His eyes took a glimpse of the run down building where they we're suppose to meet, he landed safely into the grassy fields where his eyes examine the terrain around him and soon he walks inside the building.

memories flooded in his mind as he see his past self playing with y/n, their smiles we're plastered in both of their faces and the laughs and giggles fills in the air, move forward when they we're a bit more older keigo loves to tease y/n around while y/n pouts and glares at him.

keigo stood there smiling, he then glance at one of the windows to see his past self sitting there with a sad look on its face it was the time when he knew y/n was gone, he never got a chance to tell her how he felt.

"keigo?" a voice called out.

he swiftly look at the direction where the voice was coming from and sure is it is her, y/n.
her eyes grew but manage to make a smile. keigo started to walk towards her yet stops as she begins to talk.
"it's been a while since we've been together in here again, the last time i went here is when you declined to go here with me..." she claimed.
"i kinda miss this place, it may be rundown but it still stands till to this day" she added

keigo couldn't say a word he remember that time when he's to caught up with himself that he declined her, the time when he declined to go with y/n it was because he was pissed. he knew that his selfish choices could affect her but what he didn't know it was the last time he'll see her before her flight to a different country.

"keigo, i just want to say im thankful, you became my friend and that's the thing you are my friend and yet i couldn't even be a good one" y/n once again said.

the word friend stings every time she say those words but what he wanted to say is that just being with her is enough and her coming back means the world to him even if she didn't choose him, just her being safe is fine with keigo.

"y/n no, i-.. i dont know how to say this but just you coming back is everything to me and-" keigo started to walk towards her but y/n seems to keep her distance towards him

"keigo..." she mumbles underneath her breathe.

y/n dashed towards him hugging him in the process, his eyes wide open to see her hugging him but what she didn't expect is him hugging back and with just a flash of seconds raining bullets came down to them.

her voice ringed in his head, its so vividly clear.

"there's a hole up there fly up and dont mind me, escape keigo fly high. dont let them kill you, escape; i'll be fine. you're a great hero. i love you"

"i love you..."

he wants to repeat those words over and over, but it pains him to know that she will leave him so, not this time.

if she will leave then he'll leave with her. As the guns fire bullets it all suddenly stop and a bunch of men walk towards the 2 figure who embrace each others bodies.

"pathetic." the man who is suppose to be the leader said and ordered the man to burry their bodies there.

keigo who had a chance to open his eyes look at the sleeping woman in his arms wanting to move the strands of hair in her face with his remaining strength, he hug her close and yet the wounds stings he kissed her forehead.

"from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part"

he whispered to his last remaining breaths before taking an internal slumber with the woman he loves.

Till Death do Us Apart [ A Keigo Takami (Hawks) x Female Reader] Where stories live. Discover now