Chapter 1

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its a promise okay?

of course! promise!

A sunny afternoon where as the flowers dance into the sounds of the wind. Two figures sat into the grassy fields, laughter filled the air as their smiles were like the warm sunny day.

Hawks opened his eyes only to be greeted with the busy street, vehicles pass his house and the sun illuminates from the open spaces of his curtain which is bound close preventing light from coming into his room.

he stood up not bothering to open the curtains and head straight to the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water.
As much of him being an early person yesterday's events are too tiresome to think about, once he's home he doesn't hesitate to take off his clothes and pass out into his bed.
his eyes darted at a piece of paper sitting into the kitchen counter his hands grab the paper and read what's inside of it which seems to be a letter.

his eyes continue to examine each word and as he did his chest begins to tighten.


he threw the paper away and proceed do his routine before going to work. At his agency a figure sitted into the long sofa.

"looks like some on is not in a good mood" a woman in a bunny looking outfit out spoke as Hawks sat in the lobby "what's up?" the woman ask again.

Hawks let out an irritating face and scratch his nape "who wouldn't be on a good mood when the chicken bucket special was sold out?!" he groaned and stare at the ceiling.

"maybe if you were here more early you would get your meal" a masculine voice spoke.

keigo's attention was shifted to the person who said that and clearly his mood change. surprisingly.

"Oh! hey endeavor! how's it going?" he greeted the tall buff man who just came into the room.

"i need to speak to you, hawks" endeavor who have this cold stoned face spoke and proceed to leave the room.
the red winged hero follows him and with that the atmosphere that surrounds the 2 figures was rather intimidating and quiet.

"During the mission you we're mostly distracted, although it may not seems to your thoughts hover you as we go through our mission" endeavor started.

"Whatever it is you're dealing with, you better put that aside while were on duty. I never did once want to talk to the comission about your performances. Focus Hawks" and with that endeavor left, he stood there knowing he has to get to his senses back. It's not like him to think other things like his personal life in a mission.

4 years ago...

its already been 4 years. how is she doing right now?

Till Death do Us Apart [ A Keigo Takami (Hawks) x Female Reader] Where stories live. Discover now