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Emma's pov
She took me too the lake she magicked us there making me feel weaker I tried the healing spell again making me feel a bit better "those graves" I say.

"My dad and yours" she sighs "you hate me don't you" "I've never hated you and you need too understand that" she says.

"What" "I attacked you didnt i" "yeah" "but this scar" "nothing makes sense bare" "bare what" she looks at me her red eyes trying too red me.

"Bare you" "all my memories are you being sweet and kind a side I've never seen" "this lake means something too us" "and I don't know why" "I wish I could know"

She touches my hand "it's ok" "your so soft why" I laugh slightly "we've been trying too kill each other for ages threatening beating each other up but I'm my memories" she stands up.

"Because that's how we were we used too fight like cats and dogs" "always teasing I don't hate you I just missed you" "maybe we can be friends again" I smile.

Phoenixes pov
"Maybe we can be friends again" her words so sweet and kind. I don't want too be friends with her I'm in love with her but I couldn't say that god no.

She looks sad I try the healing spell on her leg "come on" I focus I can't lose her again. I could never lose her.

But if she found out the last things I said too her she'd wouldn't want too be anything she left when she was 13 but she doesn't remember it at all I'm such an idiot.

"How old was I when I left" like she read my mind "13 the attack happened when we were 10" "oh"

"I want you too be happy" "and your not going too be if I'm here" she takes a breath touching my face.

"I need too remember everything before I hurt you again"  she stands up "No Emma your not leaving me"

Emma's pov
"No Emma your not leaving me" she's never said my name before always peacock "Phoenix" "no no no" "please" she drops down her eyes full of tears she slowly grabs my hand.

I then see something "please I'm sorry that I hit snow I got jealous because your my best friend and I want too be with you" "what we are only 13" "yes but I still love you" "how could you love me" "I hurt you Phoenix"

"No you don't you make me stronger" "I don't know why you love me I can't do this I" I run away "please" "stay"

She says those words the same time as her past self I look at her seeing the younger Phoenix and the older one looking at me.

I fall down "you hit snow" "yeah" "because you loved me" "that was the last time I ever saw you and I don't know what happened that night but" "I always thought you hated me because of that night"

I hug her "friends" I smile "friends" she smiles slightly.

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