Memories All Around🍃

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As I enter the house opening the front door with my separate key... As I always become late from work... Now days even more .... I never travel alone coz Big Boss have arrange a company cab for those who work late... How humble of him.......I do not want my Mom to woke up late...but As I enter n turn around after locking the door... 4 pair of eyes are watching me with worried expression.... One is my new pet Romeo ... N my Mother....

Ya u all heard it right I have a pet... last month on my birthday I got him as gift .... My work buddy Neha gifted him to me... When she heard that I had work in pet house before n how much I love dog's she buy it for me... How sweet of her.... but I was hell angry coz she do not have to spend so much money... But when I saw the puppy n I forgot everything n kept him for almost 2 week with me every place.....till he become use too of me n at night with Mom... Now he is an inseparable part of my life. and surprisingly Big Boss also didn't say anything.

I was so engrossed in thought that my Mom has called me twice I didn't heard... As she shook me slowly then I came back to reality.

Mom- what happened to you Dear... (Her worried look is only for my safety all the time.)

Ruhanika - nothing Mom I was thinking that Y you n Romeo are still awake? (I ask as I took Romeo from her hands)

Mom - we both are worried about you. N Y are You working so late you has to be at home at 9... Or more over 10 at night. It's 12.30 almost....

Ruhanika - Mom I left the office at 10 but... Company cab drop Other people 1st ... So today I n Neha become late...see she is all alone in the cab but as I say Ram Charan Uncle is very kind n so protective of all of us. So Y r you so worried....(I know that reason)

Mom - Just thinking of you are out working late n coming late... Shook me to the core... As I remember the past....

I stopped her before She said the incident happened in past and I said

Ruhanika - Mom How many times I have to tell you that it's in the past and you are still not over on that incident. Everything is fine now. Come will go to sleep now I have to leave early tomorrow.

As I look at Romeo he is already asleep in my arms cuddling his face towards me. I smile n went to my room.... put him on his pet bed n went to freshen up as I was about to sleep I saw Romeo is awake again oh hell he won't sleep like this I bring him to my bed n try to sleep cuddling him n I was thinking of what Mr. Vasudev Shekhawat said it to me today .... Or literally order me to do the..... arrangement n I think saying yes to his request or maybe order, my life is going to take new up bound as I think about the out come of this.

Mr. Vasudev Shekhawat was hell angry on me as he try to make understand me that no one will work with him as his way off work is difficult even I  was once on verge of to quit the job but I control myself in time n work hard n hard for him. Now his trust in me in this all is beyond explanation in his work if word.  unpredictable Journey of my n company's work if anyone can handle then it's time his word are given me attempts of to quit the job or to make temporary new P.A for him is totally wrong move. .. He don't no Y I m is doing this.... But when all his attempt of make me understand is failed then he had taken tough decision.

So he did what he thinks was right....?

is it right to go their...?

What have destiny planned for Ruhanika...?

To be continued

See you all later

Thanks for waiting

Good night all

Stay safe n Happy

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