Chasing the known

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Please listen to the song ....
it's almost lunch time... Avantika is  sitting alone on campus canteen area.... Earplugs on, listing to old songs as remembering her father's voice .... Her father used to sing song for her n Ruhanika.... He also choose the songs which gives motivation n strength..dto fight the difficult time.. she never imagined that he won't be there to see her n Ruhanika growing so strong. & she was in her own world...... Unaware of the condition. There are very less students around her...her mind was drifted to the conversation she had with her sister in the morning about her father....A lone tear escape from her eye....even She thinks that how hers, her Mother's n specialy her sister's life changes after that accident... She is sitting in canteen facing the greenery which can easily seen from the window... But her eye's are closed... feeling her father voice as his presence. now the crowd is feeling in and everyone is looking at her close eyes n sad form. Some people call out her name but she didn't listen to it. But no one dare to go near her and bring back her self. After a while she comes to her sense when someone tap on her shoulder. As she see the person standing in front of her, she smile and look down... it's Veer, he also get worried. concern is written all over his face. She wipe the tears n smile.

AVANTIKA - hey .... When did you come. ((Covering her sad face with a smile.... Which is more painful then it seems.))

Veer - sitting on the chair next to her.)) When you try the role of Juliet instead the role of Avantika The warrior princess.

AVANTIKA - hmmmmm ((looking  down at the table.))

Veer - may I get to know that why you have to listen to the songs which brings tears in your eyes. ( He very well knows that answer but still he doesn't want to bring the topic. but he is not going to neglect it.)

AVANTIKA - Veer please....

Veer - ok fine I won't say a word ...I had call you 5 times' but you didn't pick up the calls so I became worried about you. ((Avantika Just shrugs a little with smile n she is now totally change her form from Juliet to warrior princess...))

Avantika - is It?😏 Veer the knights of Sherlock Holmes is worried....

Veer - finally that's what I want in you... always....(((In mind) wish to be with you forever to see you like this)))

Avantika - ya ya ... So what's the matter? Y did you have to be in so much hurry in the morning?

Veer - actually I don't have to share it with you but I have been thinking about it from long time and now I have to go through anything to make my brother life back to the way it was before.... He was being more disturb now day's.

Avantika - ((her face lit up with concern as she remembered the morning conversation of her sister's almost encounter with the devil.)) What happened Veer?

Veer - listen I will tell you but don't tell anyone even your Sister. (( Avantika nods in approval)) ok so here it is ..... ((He narrates the whole situation to her as well as the plan he thinks For his brother's better life.))
With every word of the whole thing her inner sense is telling that what she thinks was right and now without any excuse she has to help him with the following planned play... Which is not for stage show... It's on real life stage.... And the outcome of it is would be not so great.... It's digging in the tigers Dan without even letting the tiger know. So of the tracks are blind.))

Veer finished the plan as well as he didn't ask the answer as she will help or not.))

Veer - Avantika I m just worried about that, will dad help in this?

Avantika - yes.. you know what Your dad is waiting for it....Di (Ruhanika) always said that your dad is regretted what he had to do to keep your brother alive. He had made a mistake in your eyes. But if you really need your brother happy life a new life then he will help...

Veer - ya he destroy my brother's life but now seems keeping him alive with all those unworthy situations n promises he made is worth it. But now he is behaving like he is on the level of ghosts hunting.... Thinks he saw someone in dad's hotel room a shadow.

Avantika - 1'st up all You talk with your Dad. If you are not comfortable with talking directly, then 1'st you talk with Raj brother. he will definitely help you with It.

Veer try to thought the process Avantika saw his concern face and keep her hand on his folding hands on table. He looks up n she said.

Avantika - Veer just be positive n calm, everything will be fine....if you stress about it, it will not helpful. ((He nod in yes he had already order the food which came ... They had in silence ))
Both got up for class day goes by blur....As both are thinking of the outcome of the plan.

********Same time at the mall.*******

Ruhanika had her hand full of shopping bags... With which She is very satisfied of what she had shop.
It's almost 5 o'clock in the evening and she needs coffee so badly but the coffee shop are way more expensive at the mall so that's why she came out of the mall n after searching alot, a small tea stall she saw where she can go n had tea... In this situation tea is way better than coffee. Coz her head is starting to pain. Unlucky to that no seat are available to sit. So she choose  to stand. But in this hurry she forgot that in search of the coffee or tea shop she walked in the direction of the company where Aditya had his office company building n in front of it is this tea shop. She was totally unaware of the surroundings as her back was facing the office building....She stand in the line to wait for her No. To come. Thanks to the stall owner that he had shelter around his shop...
Because the weather is not good black clouds are surrounding the area... which looks like anytime it's about to rain....She looks at the sky n smile... After long time she will have the tea in the rain. After a while lighting strikesAnd it's start to rain she had her tea and catching the rain drops in hand.....

*****same time at Aditya's office*****

He standing at the window as today's work is done.... almost all the employee's are left the office. Aditya's mood is also not good being compare the other days. But better than the other and  Y he doesn't want to think...It's about to rain. He got a call from the driver, half hour ago about the bad weather. So he send his dad 1st to the house not want to be in the same car with him after the hotel situation. So hestay back he also told the driver to go home directly after dropping off his dad. He will book a cab.

It's starting to rain... 1st it's slow then the big n heavy rain showers bring the following lighting....He looked out of the window & in this heavy rain and wild wind outside view is not clear. Still he saw one figure at the tea shop standing n playing with water droplets falling down the line of the shop shelter.... It's a girl... And if he saw more clear that is she wearing àn Indian dress ...but her face is not visible to him.... The scene remind him one of the incident.... but now for the 1st time in 3 years he didn't think what had happened back in the past... But he was way more adamant about the girl enjoying the weather. He was mesmerized by the view.... then at the same time he saw that she is about to go so he ran out of the office... To thank her to bringing back the forgotten memories of his life... he forgot what he is doing and why he is going..  ..but As he reach out of the office building n ran towards the shop... She was Gone.... No one was there when he reach there. He is full wet in the rain and road is start to flood near him... He ask the tea shop owner about the girl but he refused It. Then he was about to go to the way of the office someone tap on the shoulder he turns n see a lady in late 50 she Said.

Lady - I saw her, she went towards the taxi stand... right side.. she won't be far  you will find her. ( She smile n turn to go opposite way. He thanks her n run towards the direction of the taxi stand.....) To meet someone whom he don't no now.... Chasing the known... .to be thanks to bring the life back.....

As he ran towards that way.... That lady turn n looks at the sky.... and say's....

Lady - please bring them together. Lightning strikes granted that lady's wish.

Nature is very kind always listen to the pure soul's...😉😉😉

That's It.....

This is for the reader's who are waiting for the Magic to happen....


Happy X-MAS and Happy New Year to advance....

Be safe .... Stay at home....

Bless you all.....


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