5 Seventy Fourth Hunger Games

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It has been 7 years since Finn and I became inseparable. It has also been 7 years since I have been in the arena. However, it's the 7th year for me to send two tributes into the arena to never see them again. I know thats alot of 7s. I wake up with a start and rapid breaths. Today was the day of the reaping. I instantly feel arms wrap around me and pull me back to lay down. Finn and I share a room nowadays because of the nightmares, it's just easier. They always seem to be worse around this time of year especially.

"It's okay love. Your safe love." Finnick whispers into my ears. My breathing is uneven and fast paced and he runs his hands through my hair and down my back in an attempt to level it.

"Sorry." I whisper into his bare chest.

"Why do you always apologize? Never apologize." He says kissing the top of my head. I nod my head and move so that my head is right by his. I wrap one of my legs around his and he smiles at the action.

"Feel better love? I know it's a rough day. I hate it too." I nod my head again closing my eyes focusing on my now stable breathing. I move closer to him and wrap my arms around his torso and put my face into his neck.

"Finn. I don't want to have to say goodbye to another pair of kids."

"I know love." He says and he traces my hips with one hand. I move my head away and he groans in disapproval.

"No come back, you were warm." He says like a child.

"big baby." I say and nuzzle back into him.

"Your big baby." He says pulling me tighter against him.

We sit in silence for a few more minutes. Only like an hour before we needed to be in the square with our mentoring victor hats on. I hated it. It's the worst time of year for more reasons than one. Back in the capital, innocent kids dying, leaving home. The list goes on and on. We eventually get out of bed and I leave to dress in the clothes our stylist picked out for us. Finn is probably dressed in his usual dress pants and loose white shirt. I, on the other hand, am put in a tight sweater dress that's the color of sea foam. No complaining from me. All the victors meet at the center of the victor village with peacekeepers to escort us to the stage.

I put on the same tan flats I wore the year I was first reaped and they are still just as uncomfortable as when I first wore them. However my mother's voice rings in my ears when I wear them. They look so nice on you sweetie. She would say and no matter how uncomfortable they were, they made me feel a little less alone and empty. I make my way to where we were meeting and I listen as my feet step on the small pebbles outside of my house.

"Well don't you look nice." I hear Annie say as I reach her, Ron, and Mags. Mags gives me an admiring smile and I give the three encouraging gentle smiles. Behind me I hear a door shut and I turn to see Finn. He looks so handsome in his outfits all the time. He really is my everything. It scares me too, because without him I don't know how I would survive. Without him I'm nothing. I don't even remember fully when I realized I was completely and totally in love with him but it was a sad day. A sad day because I know he sees me as a best friend and nothing more, nothing less. It's fine really. As long as he is in my life I can't really complain. I just hope whenever he gets married he won't leave me alone completely. I would be ruined. I would be nothing but a broken girl left for the wolves.

"Hey handsome!" Annie says as he walks in our direction. He flashes his famous smirk our way and walks up to me.

"You look lovely Annie, and you look gorgeous as always, love. You too Ron, Mags." Finnick states putting an arm playfully on my shoulder. I shrug him off playfully and begin to walk to the square. The peacekeepers follow close behind and I trail back slowly making my way to one of my good friends, Annie.

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