15 Jabberjays

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Ryne POV:

I run into the trees after Katniss, trying to find her. When I see her she is standing in an open area looking at the sky at a bunch of black birds that fly across the oppen man made sky.

"What's happening?" I ask and then my nightmare starts to come true.

"RYNE! HELP ME!" Finnick calls and I gasp at the sound of his voice.

"It's not real Ryne! They are Mutts!" Katniss yells in my direction as I begin to run.

"Finn? Where are you? FINNICK!" I yell into the trees but can only hear the screaming. Black birds swarm around Katniss and I and I begin to register what she told me. Jabberjays. It's not real. Finnick is probably safe. Probably. Katniss grabs my wrist and we run towards the beach. I see Peeta and Finnick looking in our direction in the distance and they look like they are yelling but no words are coming out. No sound leaves their lips. They are silent. Why are they not coming towards us?

I reach the barrier first and crash into an invisible forcefield. I stare at Finnick with wide eyes and I can feel my body is shaking. Finnicks screams are piercing into my ears and I could cry. I crouch to the floor and see Finnick leaning on the forcefield talking to me but I cant hear a thing. All I can hear is the love of my life yelling for my help and I can't reach him even though he is right in front of me. I press my hands into the sides of my head covering my ear and I press as hard as I can. The sound is muffled but I can still hear the yells and cries of Finnick. I clench my eyes shut and try to disappear, too bad that's not how things work. No matter how hard you try, you can't just disappear when you want too. Fucking rude if im being honest.

It felt like years had gone by when the screaming finally stopped. I opened my eyes cautiously but kept my ears covered. I couldn't risk hearing Finnick's screams again. I felt arms wrap around my body and when I registered they were Finnicks I leap into him making us fall over on the forest floor. Im am currently laying on top of him and I grab his face in my hands putting my forehead to his. He is real, he is alive, he is okay. I can feel my entire body shaking and my breathing is far from steady and consistent.

"You're okay." He says over and over into my ears. He must not have known who I was hearing scream because the forcefield blocked all noise.

"Hold me." I whisper and he sits us up as his arms wrap around me and pull me in tight.

"Always love." He replies, closing his eyes and pulling me close. I melt into his touch. He picks me up and carries me to the rest of our allies and I hear Johanna threatening Snow. Great, that's just what she needs right now.

As Johanna storms off into the trees Finnick sits me down on my feet. We all sit in silence and Beetee gives me a reassuring smile which I return even though I'm still rattled.

"Can we sit by the water?" I turn to Finnick and he nods with a grin.

I sit in the shallow water and close my eyes as I feel the water shift when Finnick sits next to me. We sit in silence for a few minutes and I look to him and see he is already looking down at me. I put my forehead to his and took a deep breath. I feel safe.

"Are you okay?" He asks me and I honestly don't know how to respond.

"I don't know." I answer honestly, turning to the water. "Did you hear who the jabberjays were for me?" I ask, looking to Finnick with a pale face. He shakes his head and I nod, then look down at my feet that sit in the water.

"It was you. You were screaming my name and I couldn't get to you. I heard your screams and calls for help over and over again. I wanted to die. I couldn't do anything and I thought you were hurt. Then I saw you but the screams never stopped. They were taunting me. I was-" Finnick turned my head with his hand and before I could say anything else he brought his lips to mine. I was frozen from shock for a few seconds and when I finally registered what was happening my eyes closed and I kissed back. My stomach was filled with butterflies and I leaned into Finnick. My hands found his hair and he put one hand to the side of my face and the other hand snaked around my back. It felt right. Finnick Odair kissed me. I was kissing my best friend and the love of my life. He pulled away first after a few moments and I kept my eyes closed as our lips parted. I pull my hands from his hair and turn my head to the water again. Without opening my eyes I lean my head onto Finnick's shoulder.

"My message during the interview was for you." Finnick mumbles and I look at him shocked.

"I thought that was for Annie." I say at a whisper volume. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Annie is great but no. We are like brother and sister. You....you are my Ryne." He says and I smile. Maybe he has a little bit of feelings for me, I don't know. The arena can make you do and feel weird things.

"You are my Finnick."

Katniss POV:

Capitol mutts are the worst. They make you feel helpless. After the jabberjays I just let Peeta hold and comfort me. I needed a friend. I needed someone to love me.

I sit in silence on the sand and stare at nothing just thinking about the safety of Prim. She has to be okay. She has to. I am going to believe what Johnna said for my own sanity. I hate to believe she is okay. Snow wouldn't touch her.

"I'm going to get you some water." Peeta whispers in my ear. I absentmindedly nod as he walks into the trees.

"Why were the jabberjays Finnick's voice for Ryne?" I ask Johanna who was sitting a few feet from me and observing Ryne and Finnick who were by the water. Part of me already knew the answer but I needed someone to confirm it.

She scoffs at my question and turns away from the two who currently have their foreheads pressed together and their eyes closed. "Ryne is in love with him. She would do absolutely anything for him and would put everything behind for him. I think that the only person in the entire world that Ryne would never be able to kill is Finnick. They are both hopelessly and madly in love with each other. But they refuse to admit it. Ry thinks that Finnick is in love with a girl named Annie from 4. That's far from true, he is in love with Ryne. Its fucking annoying watching them interact. They need to just get married already. They are oblivious idiots." Johanna says and I nod understanding and believing every word she says.

"Even I can tell they are in love and I'm not the best at reading people. Those two have been in love for years." Beetee says as he inspects his wire coil. I could almost laugh at his comment but my focus has turned to Finnick and Ryne by the beach.

The two were talking and then Finnick kissed Ryne. A small smile graced my face as I looked away from the two who finally shared a kiss. I felt like I was intruding on their moment by watching even though thousands upon thousands of eyes are watching on a television screen somewhere in Panem.

"Fucking finally." Johanna mumbles watching the two with a smirk. Beete gives a light laugh.

"What's that all about." Peeta says in surprise glancing to the district 4 victors as he walks out of the trees with a leaf filled with water. He hands it to me and I gladly sip from it feeling much better as the dehydration slowly creeps out of my body.

"Love." Johanna states then gets up taking her ax into the water to clean it off absentmindedly.

"They love each other." Peeta mentions quietly as he sits next to me.

"I agree. But Ryne doesn't think he loves her." I add and Peeta looks at me.

"She has trust issues. It takes her a while to believe." He replies and I nod. I know all about that. Ryne and I have a lot more in common than I wish to admit.

"I have a plan!" Beetee announces with a smile while looking up from his wire for the first time in a while. 

Oblivious Love (Finnick Odair x OC)Where stories live. Discover now